Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Writerly Stuff...

A few weeks ago I had the passing thought that maybe I should actually learn about the craft of writing a little bit more. 

Which is weird right? I mean I write all the time, it seems a little late to be worried about how to do it. 

But I had the thought that I should take it a little more seriously. Maybe even give getting published one more crack. 

Right at the moment that I thought about it someone I follow on Facebook who makes a living writing put out that they were going to do a series of writing workshops. One on fiction writing, one on memoirs, and one on getting published. Of course I thought well this is obviously a sign for me to take these classes. Then it ended up that the classes were going to be on a Sunday that we were already busy so nope, not for me. BUT then he decided to include replays with the purchase of a workshop so I could watch them whenever. Okay, so this is for me. Then when I looked at the price of them I thought, well, maybe not. Maybe I'll look at a different series. BUT then he did a one day "Pay what you want" deal. Which I thought, okay, I'm in. I have a price that I think a 6 hour continuing ed lecture should cost and I will pay that for these. 

So right now (as in RIGHT now) I'm listening to the playback. We are in the Q&A section for the fiction writing part and so I'm only half listening. For the most part people want to say "I've got a book about a sentient polyamorous Octopus who time travels and..." And I have no interest in your book idea and especially not that idea. 

So I'm half listening and checking back on the comments. And thought I should write since I've committed to writing a lot this month and year so instead of fully focusing on a writing workshop I'll do my own writing. 

I'm basically done with the memoir workshop and finishing the fiction one. I'll probably end up doing to publishing one tomorrow. I'm at the level of diminishing returns (clearly) and I think the one that I'm going to get the most new information about is that last one. 

Because it's been okay so far, but I've not picked up anything really new. I mean, find your voice, know what story you want to tell, don't write for anyone but yourself.

I already do that. 

I think I'm an intuitive writer. Like I don't know why or how I write the way I do, I just do. I didn't take creative writing specific classes. I've read a few books about writing but not many. I'm terrible at grammar (as you all know) and truly feel the rules are just barely guidelines. I couldn't tell you what tropes are tropes for the most part, or genre rules, or what have you. 

I just have ideas and scenes that show up in my head and I write them down. 

I have snippets of dialog that show up and I write them down. 

It's just the way it works for me. 

And, again, as you all know, I stopped worrying about being published because it's too much work and makes this fun thing I do a lot less fun. I write to keep my head clear. I really like when you all like what I've written. I also know that the more people who read what I write the more people won't like it, and I'm not sure I want that level of criticism in my life. 

But I'll listen to his publishing section tomorrow and maybe it will change my mind. 

Or it won't. 

But I'm counting it as a win that I thought about doing something like this, this thing popped up, I signed up for it, AND I remembered to do it. 

Even if it took me an extra week because I totally forgot last week. 

And even if so far it's been interesting but not incredibly helpful.

Or maybe that's the helpful part? Just another piece of reinforcement that what I'm doing, the way I'm doing it, that's the right way for me to do it. And nobody else's system, style, advice is actually going to work for me. 

Which is basically life right? 

You have to find your way, your own way. Nobody else's path is your path. 

So maybe that's the helpful part. Just reminding me of things I already know. 

And knowing that I am really not interested in a sentient polyamorous time travelling octopus. 

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