Wednesday, May 22, 2024


I've read a few things lately that talk about the fact that there is no such thing as writer's block. 

For instance, right now even though I am completely stuck on a story I was going to post today and can't think of the next line I do NOT have writer's block, because I am writing this. 

The times that I've heard that or read it I've thought...oh that's inter...GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK YOU KNOW WHAT PEOPLE MEAN!

Okay, so maybe I am not taking the advice to heart in the way they would like. 

But it seems like kind of a dick thing to say, in my opinion. It seems like a way of lessening what I view as an issue. Right now I have writer's block and it's really frustrating because I know the shape of the story I want to write but I can't get it out of my head and onto the screen. I know that I don't literally have a block against writing anything at all. That would be horrific for sure, but I am stuck on the thing I would like to be writing. 

I also wanted to make sure I posted something everyday for the rest of this month so that means you get this little whining piece. Which is also not really going anywhere because my brain is stuck on my totally not writer's block moment in the short story I was trying to get done. 


Oh! And while I was doing everything but write I rewatched the reels I posted last year during the Picture of the Day challenge that she did as a reel challenge. 

I have a very animated face when I talk. No wonder I have so many wrinkles. I work that shit out when I speak!

And now I will be self conscious about it for a bit until I forget again. 

But it should freak Brent out a little while I try and hold my face still while I talk. 

Maybe he'll think I got Botox...

Oh... the Botox is probably why I have writer's block. It froze everything. 

What? Pretend Botox could totally cause writer's block if it's not a real thing either. 

I'm pretty sure that's how that works...

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