Thursday, May 23, 2024

Whichever Way the Wind Blows...

Today is the first day of the winds.

She'd been preparing all season. Getting everything ready for them. They'd last a week. They would build for a few days before the strongest winds started. Then they would gradually die off again. In the middle it would seem like they were never going to stop, but by the end you'd realize it wasn't very long at all. 

Which is why you had to prepare.

If you started the day you felt the first breeze you'd never make it. 

Last year she had been battered by the strong winds and she swore she'd never be unprepared again. 

She had tied down anything that was loose in the yard. Or anything that might be knocked loose. She had inspected the roof to make sure all the tiles were secure. She had checked her downspouts and siding. The house was solid. It had survived multiple winds and should survive multiple more. 

After checking the outside of the house she had moved to the inside. She filled two tubs with water just incase the systems were knocked out. Then she covered them with tarps to make sure no sifting dirt muddied the water. No matter how sealed you thought your house was the winds always found a leak. 

She checked the pantry and the deep freeze. There was a variety of food stuffs laid up. Whatever you liked to eat you should be able to find something. 

Lastly she checked her go bag. All of her important documents were there. Her IDs, her bank cards, some cash, a few changes of underwear and some snacks. Everything ready. 

The breezes were picking up now. Definitely some gusts happening. 

But this year she was ready. 

One more walk through the house. 

She had loved living here. It was probably why she had waited too long last year. Subconsciously she hadn't wanted to go. But when the winds hit their peak you couldn't resist. And if you aren't ready you might not survive. She nearly hadn't. 

She had stayed inside, huddled in a closet, hoping to ride it out. Until she couldn't resist anymore and then she had run outside trying to catch the edge. But it was long past, all that was left was the force behind it. And it slammed her to the ground. Then picked her up just enough to slam her down again. Over and over for hours. 

She was lucky to have survived. 

And lucky that nobody from downwind dropped at her place. If they had they would have had all rights to kick her out. As it was she stayed on another year. But she knew that she had been lucky and it wouldn't be likely to happen again. 

She stopped and listened as another gust hit the house. It was time. 

She did one last walk through. Touching the counters and walls. Saying goodbye. She really had loved her place. Hopefully where ever she landed would be as well tended. 

Strapping her go bag to her body she climbed the ladder to the roof and readied herself on the launching pad. The edge of the storm was coming and she needed to catch it this time. 

(writing prompt, Someone is moved by the wind )

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