Thursday, May 16, 2024

Fill My Tank...

I need to fill my tank. 

My idea tank is sort of empty. Or at least I don't want to write about the things that are happening around me right now. 

The news is a constant barrage of what is happening in Palestine, what is happening in Ukraine, what latest nonsense Trump is spouting, the latest Trump trial developments, the idiotic whinings of people who just can't vote for Biden because their lives won't be negatively affected by Trump winning so they have the privilege of pretending to make a difference by not doing a damn thing. 

I don't want to write about any of that. I've written about most of it before. 

So I need something else to fill my tank. 

That's the real challenge with writing as much as I want to. Not just the fiction, but the essays. I could do fewer but better. Like actually research things instead of just posting my ideas. 


Oh that's rich!

I don't even like researching for my fiction. I know there are writers out there who love the research part. The people who write period pieces for instance. They love getting into the weeds about when things were invented and when they were in wider use. How people dressed, how they spoke. All of the nitty gritty. 

I am not a fan. 

I like reading interesting things, but only just because they are interesting. I like being able to follow the rabbit down each and every hole and not worry about if it's actually valid for what I'm working on.

So I'm trying to figure out how to fill my tank with something else to write about. Like what could I be doing on a daily basis that I could write about as well. 

The guided meditation app that I've been using has a theme they follow for their sessions. Maybe that? 

Like today was on setting boundaries, so I'm not going to write about that one, but maybe going forward I could use those as jumping off spaces? (The reason I'm not going to write about it is that I happen to be really good at boundaries. No is a complete sentence. How you feel about a situation isn't on me. I don't do guilt. I've written about all of this before.)

But maybe that's what I'll do for a little bit. Take one thing out of my daily routine and expound on it a little. Not always the guided meditation part but something in the day? 

Like today I'm busy pondering how to fill my tank with ideas for daily writing. 

So so far this is a great idea and totally works. 

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