Thursday, April 18, 2024

So Many Ads...

I have always had trouble sleeping. If you know me you know that about me. It's so much a part of who I am that I didn't realize it was odd until I was in high school. Like I legit thought that everyone had a hard time falling asleep and that everyone woke up for hours in the middle of the night. When I first heard that there were people that would go right to sleep and not wake up again until morning I was shocked. Thought that there was something wrong with them!

The few times in my life where I've slept well have been amazing. Just often enough for me to chase that high...low? The high of being able to stay low? Something like that...

But yeah, I'd love to sleep better. Though I manage with less sleep than most and I do think that my body is designed that way. And I don't really break down unless I'm in a complete insomnia stretch where there is little (an hour or two a night) to no sleep. I can do that and handle that for about three days. Generally it happens when I'm manic and so it balances out. The manic energy overrides the sleep need and I just keep going. But if it hits when I'm in a "normal" space or heaven forfend a lull it's miserable. By day three I'm in tears over everything. 

But that's rare. Usually it's just I'm a little tired and I would like some more sleep. 

I made a mistake the last time I was in a stretch of not enough sleep. It was one of those bad stretches where I didn't have a false bump of energy coming in to balance out the lack of sleep. I was just exhausted and it was taking its toll. And so the mistake happened. 

I clicked on an ad for a sleep aid. Then clicked through to their website to read what the ingredients were and if it was worth trying. 

I know. But I was tired and not thinking clearly as to the consequences.

So now I have at least a dozen sleep aid ads in all of my feeds. Facebook, Instagram, Google, Threads, over and over and over again. THC gummies, mushroom tea, ashwagandha, valerian root, melatonin, magnesium, tart cherry, over and over and over again. 

And I've tried most of them. Melatonin is no good. (It's actually not really good for anyone in the way that they market it, maybe for jet lag, but otherwise your body makes its own, and you'd be better off heading outside first thing in the morning for a dose of natural light to start your own system up) Valerian is a no way from me. (I get really odd dreams while taking it, and it doesn't work for staying asleep all night, just deep sleep for a few hours with really odd dreams then laying awake for hours wondering what the fuck I just dreamt) Ashwagandha I'm allergic to. I tried CBD drops before and they did nothing and I don't really think adding in the hallucinogenic part is a good idea. (I've never smoked pot or taken pot gummies, it's just not a thing I think is a good idea with the way my brain chemistry is already) I've tried the tart cherry and it did nothing but make my teeth feel fuzzy. So that leaves the mushroom and magnesium. 

And I just don't think that's the answer. But maybe?

If I could find one that didn't have all of the other pieces as well.

Because that's a big thing with sleep aids, they throw it all in there hoping one of them will work for you. 

And do not click through an ad to see if it does have all of those ingredients but then you will be just like me and inundated with nothing but ads for gummies, teas and pill. 

It's exhausting. 

But not in a good way that helps you get to sleep.

So what does work? As odd as it sounds I do have suggestions for anyone who has problems sleeping. 

Get a good sleep routine established and try your best to stick with it. 

We drink some tea an hour or so before bed. A warm cup of tea signals to my body that it's time to head to bed. A warm shower or bath does the same thing if you like doing that in the evening. For me the tea works because a bath takes too long and I don't want to get my hair wet in the shower. 

So a warm cup of tea
Brush teeth, wash face, go pee, all that bedtime maintenance stuff
I read for a bit. I know that a lot of sleep experts will tell you not to read in bed. Or watch TV in bed. That the bed is only for sleep and sex and I've tried that as well, but it doesn't work for me. What works for me is to read a bit to wind down. Usually only for 15 or 20 minutes maximum. 
Then I go to sleep. 

That's the routine. Every night. The only thing that varies is the starting time for the routine. I'd really prefer to be in bed by 9:15 and asleep by 9:45 every night. The hope is that I sleep most of the night and so clock as close to 8 hours of sleep as I can. It doesn't usually happen for me, but Brent gets close that way and he functions best on 7-8 hours so it's a good compromise time. That doesn't always work since we have hockey games and soccer matches and such that keep us out later than that at times, but I function better if I stick with the 9:15 in bed time frame. 

I'm waking up at least 3 times over night. If I'm lucky I get back to sleep right away. If not I pick up my book and read until I'm sleepy again. Again, the experts will tell you to get out of bed, but if I get out of bed it's game over. I am awake for the rest of the night. The idea of getting out of bed and doing some quiet activity until I get sleepy again is foreign to me. Once my feet hit the floor my brain is fully on and engaged and I will read or listen to music or color or whatever quiet activity I am trying out until the sun comes up and Brent starts his day. 

And I've also mastered lying in bed perfect still and almost asleep. It works for me as an almost good enough solution to sleeping. If I can shut everything down, quiet my mind as much as possible, keep my body as still as possible, it's close to sleep. Again, the experts will tell you that you should never do that. That if you cannot sleep you should get up. But if you have chronic insomnia sometimes that's as good as you are going to get so you should take it. Rest if you cannot sleep. 

I never pick up my phone overnight. I have it on do not disturb from 9PM until 7AM (we usually get up at 6 but if we're lucky and can sleep in until 7 I don't want a text ruining that). There are only a few people on my override the DND list and I cut it even further once our parents all died. There are very few problems that cannot wait until the morning to deal with. You'll handle them better with a full night's sleep anyway. If you do pick up your phone just say good morning and get out of bed. 

The blue light tells your brain it's time to be awake. All of your social media accounts give you something to focus on that isn't calming. It's just not a good idea. Leave it on DND, or leave it in another room if you have to. It's just not good for sleeping. 

Comfortable bed, good room temperature (I like it close to chilly without becoming freezing), comfy night clothes or no clothes if that's better for you. White noise or ear plugs if you want. We have blackout curtains (thanks to Dana and honestly I cannot believe we didn't have them before), or an eye mask would work. And no pets. 

Yeah, that last one isn't for us anymore, but it really does help your sleep if you don't have someone waking you up for a walk, or to be let outside, or to be fed, or because they just miss you so much while you are asleep (Tig). 

But handle the things you can. Set yourself up the best way for you to get the best night's sleep.

And NEVER, EVER, no matter how tired you are, click the sleep aid ads. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Happy Birthday!

It's Dana's birthday today. Skippy requested poetry for her, I KNOW how weird right? I mean Skippy wanting poetry? But in her birthday message to Dana she wrote. "Let me commission Denise to compose an ode to your birthday." I might be paraphrasing a bit but I'm sure that was the gist of it.

So I started thinking about it. At first I was thinking an ode. That's a good birthday poem. An Ode. But then I thought, oh! I could write in iambic pentameter! Because what better way to say happy birthday than to show off a little? And then I realized that Phoenix rhymes with some funny words so a limerick might be fun. There once was a girl from Phoenix...who led Marc around by his...

But wait! Today is National Haiku Day! OF COURSE Dana was born on Haiku day! Haiku is my favorite!

So I give you, by Skippy's request (I KNOW I'm still amazed at how much she is loving National Poetry Month) some birthday Haiku in honor of Dana's birthday.

Darkness creeping in
A cold chill causes shivers
Oh! It's just Dana!

(look, I love her like I made her, but she's creepy as...

Candles on a cake
Pour more coffee in her cup
Everybody sing!

(cake is all well and good, but the woman really wants coffee)

Superhero stance
Step in front of the grenade
Bad Denise rises

(She literally stepped between an unsuspecting crowd and an about to lose it YOU ARE BREATHING MY AIR me, not all heroes wear capes, some of them wear sweatshirts and are still freezing when it's 65 degrees outside)

Your sun is broken
This will always make me laugh
It's not been tainted

(some jokes are always funny)

What am I smelling right now?
That's outside, sweetheart

(again, some jokes are ALWAYS funny. The difference between living in a hellscape and living someplace where trees grow, flowers bloom and outside spaces smell like both instead of melting tar)

I could write some more
Or I could just wrap it up
Happy Birthday Love!

(Honestly, I could write a dozen more. I love Haiku, and I love Dana, and I love Skippy and want her to feel like she got her wish granted, but I will end here. Happy Birthday, Dana!)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Starting Over...

I lifted weights today. 

It is the first time I've lifted, outside of PT exercises, since like September? October? A long time. 

I barely lifted. I would have mocked myself for even calling the amount of weight I lifted, lifting last year. Do you even lift, bro? Well no...not really.

Using 10 pound weights for everything right now. Very light. But something. And I need to do it this way. And I need to go really slowly as I build back up. I need to pay close attention to how my elbow feels not only while I'm lifting but for the rest of the day and the next as well. 

So far so good.

There was one thing I had to modify, and one I had to drop completely. Though to be fair the one I dropped was because of my toe. I thought maybe I'd be able to do split leg squats since the weight was going to be so light, but even body weight on that toe is never going to work, so I dropped it. 

The one I modified I was supposed to hold a weight on my shoulder, right hand holding on right shoulder, while I raised the right leg, and I cannot keep my arm bent like that for any length of time. I'm guessing the tendon doesn't work like that anymore, or at least not yet. There is a pretty good ridge of scar tissue in there from the tear repair and right now I don't have full range of motion without discomfort. And I'm not sure I ever will. But I modified it and worked it out. 

It was a banner day. 

Now, here is the funny part to me. 

The workout app I use tracks your stats. It knows what you did the last time you did that exercise, for instance. But they pushed an update at some point that resets your stat records after 6 months. So for every single exercise I did I got a Congratulations! Highest 1 rep weight in the past 6 months!

Every. Single. Exercise.

Yay! The shoulder presses that you could do 40 pounds on you did 10! Good for you! Oh, good for you!

It made me laugh. 

Even me, who loves a gold star SO much, thought it was a little silly. 

But maybe not. Maybe it's great. Things happen and you have to start over. And it's nice to get recognition that you are better today than you have been in the past 6 months, even if you aren't where you were. 

And of course, that is going to be the difficult part now (assuming my arm holds up and feels fine tomorrow), not pushing too fast and too hard to get back there. I mean, I will get back there. I know I will. On most everything at least. There might be things I can never do again without modification, but I am pretty sure I'll be able to tackle most everything. I just need to keep reminding myself that I am stronger today than I have been at any other point in the past 6 months. 

I have to remember in December before I had the procedure done lifting 10 pounds was out of the question. I couldn't even put a plate in the cupboard. And right after having the procedure done, and for a few weeks after, I couldn't do ANYTHING with that arm including straightening it. I remember the day I could straighten it without it shaking from the effort and what a big deal that was.

So yeah, I lifted 10 pounds today. Shoulder presses, chest presses, weighted squats, upright rows, deadlifts, I did a plethora (small p) of things today, all with weights. And I broke a bunch of my own 6 month records doing it. 

Go me!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Sunday Haiku...

 Spring sunshine teases
Thoughts of summer days ahead
Frost warning tonight

The flowers planted
Grow, but only what I say
No weeds allowed here

The weeds then come back
I can't stop Mother Nature
Though I keep trying

Colors look lovely
Bright and bold in the sunshine
Candy for the eyes

Trying to find love
By writing garden poems
But it's still just work

Saturday, April 13, 2024


We are irreverent in this house. 

I could add qualifiers as to what we are irreverent about but it's pretty much everything. 

The news was all over the NEW Scrabble this week. Fox thinks they've gone "woke" because official tournament Scrabble and the official Scrabble dictionary have dropped some offensive and derogatory words. Which, I mean if you want to play by the plantation rules, you go on ahead, nobody is in your home making sure you don't say or spell the n word. As you well know, Fox News...

And a lot of people are up in arms over the new version of Scrabble they are releasing that is easier. It's designed more for team corroboration instead of individual competition. It has cards to make it easier to make words. They are trying to bring in more people to play by making the bar lower. 

When I saw the story about the easier I thought of Brent's mother. The woman loved Scrabble. And I could just hear her saying "Instead of making it easier, how about you get smarter?" And then I laughed thinking of the jokes we would make about sending her the easier version because the last time we played I beat her. 

Brent and I were talking about the new easier version this morning and his mother. And he said, "though maybe she needed it since she lost." And then he said, "Too soon?" and I had to tell him what I had thought and laughed about.

Then we talked about how it must make her a restless spirit that the last time we played Scrabble she lost to me. I am not sure but it's quite possible that it was the first time ever that I beat her. Brent thinks I beat her a few times over the years, but I don't know. I am not good at Scrabble. I like words, but I'm not great at spelling. And she (and she taught it to Katie) would do that dirty twisty way of playing that would box off the good letters and spaces on the board. I mean, it's not dirty, it's in the rules, but when the only word you can see you can't play because you've been boxed out it's dirty. 

And the last time we played was when we were home for my mother's funeral so I was out of sorts. I was distracted and sad, of course, and I still won. Which might have been why I won. I wasn't overthinking it. Just relaxed into knowing I was going to lose and it would eat up a few hours in the day and then...

I can still see her face as she went over the board again and again trying really hard to be a good sport about it but...she did not like to lose. She did not like to lose at Scrabble. And she did not like to lose to me most of all. 

So yeah, we would have joked about sending her the easy version, but we never would have. And eventually I would have succumbed to the pressure for a rematch so she could beat me soundly. 

But that's not going to happen. There won't be another game. 

So I will always be the Reigning Mastenbrook Scrabble Champion!

Friday, April 12, 2024

It's a Surprise!

So yesterday's poem was a surprise to me. 

Not that I wrote it. I mean I want to write 8 this month. 

But the last stanza. 

I pulled a twist out on myself!

Which happens sometimes in writing fiction. I say sometimes because most of the time the twist is planned. I know how the story ends. I know the "oh this changes everything" moment. But sometimes when I'm writing what I think is going to be a straightforward easy story something twists at the end surprising even myself.

That was yesterday's poem.  

I had been out digging up daffodils to make way for some bushes we are having planted today. And I went between aggravation that they DID NOT WANT to be dug up and enjoyment of that freshly turned dirt smell. 

I love that smell. 

And when we lived on the urban growth boundary I'd get it in the spring and in the fall in LARGE doses. They turned fields for planting and then after harvest and all of that really rich soil would come to the surface and...ahhh....

Wet dirt.

Seems an odd thing to enjoy the smell of but I know from posting about it one time and the response I got that I am not the only person who thinks it's great. 

As I was digging up the daffodils I was trying to think of something to write. Couldn't really make it poetic but thought, well, maybe it will come to me as I go.

And as I started writing I thought oh maybe I'll tie it into golems. We are all made of earth sort of thing. But then my line about eating it gets really morbid. And then I wrote that line about mouths filled with dirt and...

The images from the bombings and total destruction in Gaza came forward. Ten thousand children dead. Trying to wrap your head around that number is impossible. Looking at the houses just laid to waste and thinking, what if? What if it was your family? 

Bodies of parents lying over their children trying to protect them from the bombs and the rubble. But one frail body is not going to protect another one. Though you would still try. 

Fist fulls of dirt in their mouths. 

It ended up turning the poem on it's head. 

Sometimes when you surprise yourself it's not all that great. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Digging In The Dirt...

Digging in the Dirt

    There was something about the smell 

Was it primal? A throwback to a different time?

When we were connected with the land. 

When we grew what we ate. 

But each shovel brought that rich smell.

Loamy. Dark. Full of nutrients.

Children often ate fistfuls of dirt

Parents wiping it out of hands and mouths

Telling them no, we don't eat this!

But the smell was too much for them

And they'd do it again

Skip the middleman

No vegetables, just the dirt

She was tempted to do it herself

What would it taste like?

Chocolate like the color?

She laughed to imagine her own children 

Seeing her on her knees digging in the yard

And instead of planting flowers 

Eating fistfuls of dirt

I learned it from you!

She would tell them, you did it first!

But of course they hadn't. 

She did it before them

Her mother did it, her grandmother...

Down the line; generations of children

Fistfuls of dirt in their mouths

Mothers and fathers in a faraway land

Digging in the dirt

Frantically wiping it away from faces

A generation of children

 Fistfuls of dirt in their mouths

Tears watered her garden

Anger hardened her heart