Monday, May 20, 2024

Another Garden Post...

When we were at the garden center on Sunday we were talking about things that I am already changing in the yard and things I would have/should have done differently with the landscaper. I said we had a language barrier and a failure to communicate. 

Brent said that was the same thing. 

I had to explain that no, it was two different things. The first was with the workers, the actual landscapers for the most part and a little with the owner of the company who did the plans. His English was much better than my Spanish, but with the landscapers my Spanish was better than their English, and my Spanish is not good. So it was difficult at times to say This is what I want, specifically. 

The other was communication as a whole. I wanted some specific things and for the most part I got them, but in other areas he just kind of did what he wanted. 

It all looked okay in the end, but it wasn't exactly what I had wanted. 

Language barrier and communication gap. 

Then I told him that I took the blame because I just was done by that point. There were too many projects, too many changes to each project because of supply chain issues or Covid staffing problems. Everything was more expensive and took longer and people were incredibly busy so it all took multiple attempts to even get started. And I was mentally done. 

I can take about 2-3 setbacks with a company before I just disconnect. There are places I don't do business because they had four. And I'm super understanding for the first two, usually. The third one I'm not. And like I said have another, and we are done. I'm full. 

And because we had so many things going on and so many issues I reached the point where if a project could reasonably be considered completed I would just take what I could get. Which at the time seemed like a good answer, and now while I'm looking at what I'm going to redo and how, it doesn't.

But while we were talking about all of it Brent said, "Sometimes trying to keep you engaged all the way through a project is challenging." Yep.

It really is. 

That's been my challenge all along. I'm a good starter, eventually, after a lot of planning, but I get bored and I just want things done. And if I don't get the time to really plan then it's even worse. 

Like the yard. I had an idea in my head but I couldn't find someone who could execute it at a reasonable price. What we should have done is just waited it out. But Brent hated the dead grass yard and wanted it finished. Along with the cabinets, and the enclosed patio, and the furniture and the window coverings and the unpacking and...

Yeah, it stresses me out to think about it even now. 

So I settled for good enough and now I'm redoing a little bit here and a little bit there. Eventually it will all work out. 

And honestly, who knows, even if I had gone with the really expensive companies I might be in the exact same spot. Sometimes we think we are pretty sure what things should look like and it isn't until we do them that we realize we were wrong and that wasn't what we wanted at all. 

Or at least it happens to me. 

It's so hard to keep me engaged in a project...

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