Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Cleaning Fumes...

Cleaning the bathrooms this morning and making up limericks about a friend. As you do...

Okay, maybe only as I do. 

And he asked. 

Or at least he asked for something creative to post and the people he contacted are known for song parodies and limericks/word play. So I'm going with that's what he wanted. 

And it's just fun to rhyme with Connecticut. 

A lot of time I get writing inspiration when I'm cleaning. I always call it cleaning fume inspired but it's actually boredom inspired. Or physically busy but mentally unstimulated. It works for a lot of things. Stuck on a problem at work? Go for a walk. Don't take a call while you do it or listen to a podcast or talk to a friend, just go for a walk by yourself and let your mind chew on it while your body is busy. 

While you are doing those physical tasks that you don't really have to think much about let your mind wander and work on whatever it is that has you stuck. Don't constantly fill that space with music or audio books or podcasts or phone calls. 

Get a little bored. It's good for you. 

Of course that's easier said than done. We've all been trained now to look at our phones constantly. Or have multiple tabs open on our computers. Switching back and forth from social media site to news site to books online to that group chat we've got going...

It's hard to get disconnected enough to get bored.

Which is why cleaning works for me. I can't be online and scrubbing a toilet at the same time. I can't check my feeds while I'm cleaning grout. It just doesn't work. It's a forced break. 

I also leave my phone in a different room when I'm reading. I LOVE to read. But I also know that if my phone is next to me I am going to reach for it and see if anyone has liked or commented or posted... the habit is strong. 

It's another thing I'm working on in this new section of the year. Letting myself just sit and be and get a little bored. Letting my mind wander and seeing if I can catch hold of some good writing ideas. I've picked back up the Calm app for a little short section of guided meditation but this is less meditation and more daydreaming. 

I know, all those years of teachers and parents telling you to stop daydreaming and I'm here telling you to do more of it. Get bored. Let your mind wander. See where it goes. Follow at a safe distance so you don't spook any ideas away...

There once was a girl from Albuquerque
Her brain it was wired quite quirky
Sit still and daydream
Was her latest planned scheme
To get clear ideas from murky

Connecticut is just easier to work with!

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