Sunday, May 12, 2024

Tinker Bell...

I hate Tinker Bell. 

I know, it's a strong statement but I cannot stand her. 

Or I guess I should say how Disney treats her. 

She's the star of the park, lights the castle up, starts the fireworks, there is a fairy garden and a whole series of fairy cartoons with a cast of various fairies living their best spinoff lives. So much merch. She's treated like one of the princesses. 

But she's not a princess, she's a villain. 

Which now you're like, wait a second, your favorite Disney character is a villain. But she knows she's a villain. Disney knows she's a villain. We all know she's a villain. She has a great villain arc. When they tried to make a movie saying, She's not a villain, she's just misunderstood and mistreated I HATED that. She's a villain. And that's okay. Except that it's only been like the last decade where they finally created good merch for her. Because they figured out that some of us like the villains.

If Tink were treated like a villain it would be...well I don't know because they never have. 

Even though she straight up tried to murder Wendy. Clap for yourself you nasty thing.

So a couple weeks ago Dana sent me Tink's villain song. There is an artist who does a lot of these types of songs and Dana knew I'd for sure love Tink's. And I do. It's actually a good song aside from being a more honest take on her. She is a villain. For whatever reason she is one, she is. I also love the one she did for Belle but it sort of brings me back to the point. 

Belle is the hero of her story. Giving her a villain song is a twist. 

Making Tink a villain isn't a twist. She's always been a villain.

But she's cute. So...

After I listened to the song and reading some of the comments there seemed to be a lot of Tink lore I had no clue about so I decided I should read the original Peter Pan book and see if maybe I had her all wrong. 

I did not. The back story they were talking about in the comments was stuff from Disney's Tinker Bell series. Ugh.

The book itself? Oh holy shit... I had to keep reminding myself that it was written in 1904 and so that's why it was a batshit crazy, violent, sexist, racist...well mess.

So by reading the book I reinforced that Tink is still given a pass because she's cute, but she flat out tried to murder Wendy. I also got a better glimpse at how awful every other character was. Peter and Tink being the worst but nobody being decent really. I cannot imagine reading it as a bedtime story to a child. Just so much nope...

Though I do have to apologize to Disney for one thing. I thought they made her a little sexpot. But no, that's canon. He describes her outfit and her figure in the book. So...yeah. Sorry, Disney, you weren't the ones who originally gave her a pass because she's cute, that's always been there, you just didn't change it. 

And you gave her all of that merch. 


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