Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July is OVER...

Well if that wasn't one of the craziest Julys ever I don't know what was! Brent and I were talking last night that after all that, the October surprise is bound to be bonkers!

I think I've mentioned before that I write a letter to my grand nephew and my grand niece every year. My niece is going to give them to them when they graduate. This year every time I sat down to write I'd think, well that was a crazy stretch let's let it sit for a bit before I try and write to them about it. AND THEN SOMETHING ELSE WOULD HAPPEN. I'll write the letters this week anyway, because I can't keep pushing them off, but I'm not sure how to keep it all to one page at this point. Just June to July has been bonkers. Debate, assassination attempt, election withdraw, Democratic party actually being in ARRAY?? I mean...what?  

We live in interesting times...heaven help us all.

So for me, personally how's it going? I'm still gaining weight but it's slowed down a bit. Not sure if that means my thyroid is kicking back in or if my body is just like, this shit is ridiculous, give me a breather! I'll get retested in August and we will see where I go from there. But at least it's not going up at the rate it was. That's my bright side. I'm not gaining in chunks, just in bites. 

I talked about how my social media break was more of a soften. Didn't comment, didn't direct post to FB, just stalked a few times. Limited time on Facebook but increased time on Threads. But it actually did help, I think. I wanted the feedback from people on what I was seeing politically but I didn't want the arguments that I would have had if I was commenting. I'm not sure how August will go since I didn't completely disengage. I don't know if I will end up with the high level of use I had to start, or if I will maintain a little bit of the distance. 

Dry July was a success for the second year in a row, and you know, all the months in-between as well. Though it was touch and go there for a bit. If the Dems hadn't surprised me by actually having their ducks in row I would have picked it back up again, I'm sure. So thank you President Biden and Vice President Harris for the smooth transition. Still don't really miss drinking and still feel like it's just so much healthier for me not to drink that I don't see picking it back up any time soon. I like a fancy tasty drink, but I don't need it have alcohol in it. Brent isn't sure if I'll ever start again. I've gone years and years and years between drinks before so it's not like this is unusual. It just freaks people out to know someone who is sober but not an alcoholic or religious. 

Writing is going along. I started posting my longer story on Sundays and that actually will take care of my fiction goal for the year, but I'll still be writing extra fiction and some fiction for Dana so I will end up past that number. Which is nice, especially since I don't want to only talk about politics here but my mind is going to be full of mainly politics until November so I might need the padded fiction numbers to make up the difference. 

August has not been a great month the past few years, I'm not putting any pressure on it or myself for it to be great this year either. But I am going to do a public daily gratitude post again. Mostly because I don't like the Fat Mum Slim POD prompts so thought I'd switch it up and do a daily gratitude photo. Gives me some freedom of choice and also a reminder to lessen the August suck. 

So I'll be doing that, keeping up the writing, I've started a 6 week running program to try and get to that goal of running a bit faster and less gassed for another 5K, I've increased my weights again and I'm monitoring that but so far so good, I might be able to start making some progress getting my biceps back. Still getting a twinge here and there in my elbow, but I think it's a the muscles are a bit weak, not a there is still a tear there tweak. But cautious still. A few doctor's appointments and finalizing Sabbatical planning. 

Welcome to the downhill part of the year. Hold on, it's going to be a wild ride!

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