Saturday, July 20, 2024


The writing prompt was "write a story about anger."

She sat with that. 

What could she write that was fiction?

Anger was her fuel. It was her main emotion. 

Write a story about anger? 

How was that a challenge?

Maybe to narrow it down?

To choose one path, one infuriating moment. 

How do you make anger into fiction in this world?

When you wake feeling like Cassandra and go to bed realizing that sleep will never come?

Write a story about anger...

The world is writing that story right now. 

There is no big twist coming. 

There is no surprise reveal. 

No princess on a white horse coming to rescue you.

The world burns with nothing but anger. 

And those that tell you that you are overreacting. 

Which lends itself to more anger. 

She didn't want to write a story about anger. 

She wanted to write a story about love. 

About hope.

About kindness.

About triumph. 

About peace. 

That would be the fiction. 

And that just made her angry. 

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