Monday, July 22, 2024


I will always believe that Joe Biden was done dirty by his party. I just want to put it out there at the top. I won't change my mind on that. 

My dream ticket from the 2020 primaries (for those of you that don't commit everything I say to memory, first off how dare you...) was Warren/Harris. I felt lucky that I got half of it. 

My point all along with voting in Biden without worry has been that Harris is on the ticket. I am extremely comfortable with a Harris presidency. 

So of course, all things considered, I'm glad that it looks like that is who the candidate will be. 

I posted a link to an opinion piece on my Insta account and I'm going to put it here too. He brings up some interesting things to think about. And things that actually make sense in the context of who Biden is. 

Biden is going to go down in history (assuming that Harris is elected and we still get to have history books) as one of the most important presidents we've ever had. Not only in defeating Trump and pulling us out of that tailspin, but in what he's been able to accomplish in 3 1/2 years without a super majority. He's a deal maker. He was a deal maker when he served in the senate, he was a deal maker when he served as Obama's vice president and he's been a deal maker as president. He's also a very good man. And those things together have led to the most progressive list of accomplishments ever. Ever. 

So it makes sense that he would have been working behind the scenes to make sure that a Harris handover was assured before he stepped down. It makes me wonder if that slow drip of people calling for him to step down happened after he hung up the phone with them with their assurance that they would support her. It looks shady as hell and makes my jaw clench, but maybe it was actually a good plan in action?

When Katie and I talked yesterday the news had just broken and I was in the "obviously I'm going to vote for Kamala but fuck those fuckers for how they've treated Joe" space. And also feeling a little less than optimistic about the next steps. While I was on the phone with her the dominos started to fall as endorsement after endorsement started coming in and it started to seem like maybe I could breathe again. Maybe. I still don't know what is going to happen in November, as Katie put it this is going for it on 4 down and 3. If you make it, you are a genius. If you don't it was obviously not the right call and you're an idiot. 

So was this a genius move or not? 

And we will never know how it would have played out the other way. 

Of course I hope that the momentum I'm seeing right now is true and solid and it carries us through to a sweeping giant blue wave up and down the ballot. 

And to the New York Times and the Washington Post who are calling for a brokered convention and a free for all from the stage, just shut up. And to those of you who haven't notice their rightward lurch in the past few years, please pay attention to it now. 

The nasty attacks on Harris are just starting. It's just going to get uglier and uglier over the next few months. Be prepared. Make sure you're registered. And vote. 

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