Thursday, July 18, 2024


I woke up last night (this morning?) at 3 AM and I couldn't get back to sleep. 

My brain latched on to the idea that Trump is going to win this November and that was that. No more sleep.

I am incredibly worried that he will. I went from being really optimistic in January, that there was no way that the country that sent him packing in 2020 would be stupid enough to welcome him back in 2024. Right? I mean, that would be insane.

To now looking around and thinking, have you all lost your damn minds?

I've said over and over that I will vote for whoever is at the top of ticket, but I also believe that the dems are being set up to fail. The media (owned by a lot of very wealthy people who would benefit from the tax cuts and deregulation that a Trump presidency would bring) is pushing a strong narrative. We keep getting reports of top dems saying, Joe Biden saved us from Trump and restored the US standing on the world stage. He accomplished more in his 3 1/2 years than any president in recent history. The economy is strong. Inflation is falling. Job growth is amazing and for these reasons we need to look at one 90 minute stretch of time, in an area that isn't part of the job description, and kick him to the curb. Because, oh yeah, our wealthiest donors say we have to. 

What the actual fuck? 

How about instead of trying to push Biden out we spend that energy on why Trump should never get in? How about touting Biden's actual record instead of the made up one that is being blasted in the RNC right now? 

You know the RNC where the media is ignoring who JD Vance actually is and how he got in the position he is in. The RNC where "They keep saying unity so we are believing it even as they wave signs calling for mass deportation." The RNC where the latest fashion accessories is a giant ear bandage. And oh by the way, where are the reports from his doctors as to what his injury is really like and the treatment he received and why a tipped ear needs a massive bandage? The RNC where Navarro went straight from jail to the stage to give a speech? The RNC where Paul Manafort was on the floor last night? CAN WE GET SOME REPORTING THAT IS MORE THAN THE RNC IS HAPPENING, WHY THIS IS BAD NEWS FOR BIDEN??

I mean fucking Van Jones last night said that a bullet didn't stop Trump but a virus stopped Biden. 

Yeah, Van, that virus stopped a lot of people in a lot bigger way than just having to work from home for a few weeks. The big stop. Including family and friends. And if you remember, which I'm sure you do, Van, during the last election cycle Trump was positive with Covid during the debate and went on to do it anyway, potentially infecting everyone around him. Because he doesn't care. He didn't care then, he doesn't care now. So yeah, Biden did the right thing when he tested positive, because that's who Biden is. 

He's the man who does the right thing. 

And his reward is getting treated incredibly badly by the media, by the pundits, and by people in his own party. Thanks, Joe, but off you go. 

And if the loss comes in November, because the party is in shambles and is not focusing on the things they need to to win, somehow that will be his fault as well. 

These were my 3 AM no sleep thoughts. 

One of the questions on the floor the first night is "Are you better off now or four years ago?" The honest answer for anyone is now. Four years ago we didn't have product on the shelves in stores. We had no vaccine. We had refrigerator trucks outside of hospital morgues for the overflow. This isn't fucking hard to decide. 

The other thing I keep thinking of is 8 years ago when the election results came in. That sick feeling that hit. The tears. Literal tears. And then watching my greatest fears about his presidency come to fruition with a Supreme Court that is currently working at dismantling our country as we know it. And now seeing that for some reason after that, after January 6th, after felony convictions, after a judge saying that yes, that decision to pay E Jean Carroll means he raped her, HE'S A RAPIST, that an angry young white kid shooting at him with a gun that Democrats have been trying to get outlawed as Republicans scream SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED each time, that now he's going back in? We are just going to sit back and fight with each other about Joe being old while tfg goosesteps back into the White House?

I have always made the joke that I'm not a Republican because socially I cannot be, and I'm not a Democrat because I like to get shit done. But, for fuck's sake, this is beyond!

He's the one who got shot. 

The dems respond by shooting themselves in the foot.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope it's just 3 AM gloom. I hope that no matter what happens, if the push is successful or isn't, I hope that dems, independents and moderates band together and remember that a Trump presidency is a terrible idea. We don't get two bites at the apple like France. They got their scare in the first round of voting and it looked like the far right were going to sweep in. So they rallied together and said not today, Ms. Satan, not today. 

We have to rally right fucking now. 

And whatever decision is made we need to move past it and regroup and get to work. Because if we don't we will have let the media and the pundits and the Republicans walk us right into a theocracy, oligarchy, fascist, no longer the Republic we had.

If you need me I'll be researching ex-pat communities. 

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