Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Which is Important to You?

Consistency over intensity always wins. 

That's what the trainer said this morning. Now he said it while the treadmill was on a 15% incline so it made me chuckle, but still. 

And to be fair he was saying if that was too intense to manually override the settings. Lower the speed or lower the incline. Consistency is always more important than intensity.

Show up every day. 

Do the work every day. 

You can't just do a flat out push once a week and expect it to make a huge difference in your health. And you especially can't just do a flat out push out of the blue and expect it to make a difference, and not get hurt.

Consistency is important. 

Then I started thinking that I always prefer consistency over intensity. 

One of Brent's best qualities is that he's fairly unflappable. He doesn't have big swings. He is who he is all the time. He doesn't suffer fools gladly, but he's not explosive about it. And he's not unpredictable about it. He's always consistent.

I have had friends who needed the drama in a relationship to feel like it was real. If they weren't fighting or fucking they felt like there was something missing. All passion all the time. 

That is not me. I do not want the drama. I don't need to be mad at you to have sex with you. In fact I'm not an angry sex person at all. If I'm angry with you, your best bet is to not touch me. Maybe not even breath near me. Things will not go well. So I can be intense, but I am consistent about it. 

It's also where my politics seem to go. 

I want consistency. I want to count on the people who represent me to think things through and follow the best path. Biden is consistent. Bernie Sanders is extremely consistent. Ironically it was the intensity of his following that turned me off. The man himself I have no problem with. Elizabeth Warren, consistent.  

I want to be represented by someone who doesn't need to check how an issue is polling to see what they believe.

Brent and I talk about it as intellectual honesty. I need you to not hate something if Democrats do it but think it's fine if Republicans do and vice versa. That's not consistent. 

As big of a liar and a fraud as JD Vance is in most areas, at least his stance on abortion is intellectually honest and consistent. I've talked about it before and if you believe it is murder, and they will all swear that they do, you cannot have exceptions for rape and incest. You don't kill the child for the crimes of the father. I don't agree with their stance, but a lot of them don't agree with it either or they'd all be like Vance and say no exceptions. 

So I appreciate the consistency. Doesn't mean I will vote for someone who is consistently against things I believe in, but I appreciate that they are steadfast. 

Trump is all bombast and intensity. No consistency. People used to say his position was determined by the last person he spoke with. You couldn't count on a logical, thought out plan. He is intensity not consistency. And that appeals to a wide swath of people. They like that he's loud. They like that he's all bombast. They like that he just says whatever shit pops into his head. Because they are inconsistent people as well. They like the drama. They confuse intensity and volume for strength and power. 

At least that's what I see when I look at them. When I listen to them being interviewed. They don't have a consistent stance when questioned. They just like him and will do whatever it takes in their heads to justify that. 

And the ones who are consistent? Who want him voted in because they will still have all the power and get all the tax breaks? Screw the rest of the world, they got theirs. They are consistent. And repugnant. And they are showing you who they are so you can treat them accordingly. 

I like it when people are consistent. It makes it easier to know who should and who should not be in your life. Who you should and who you should not trust. Intensity gets you swept up in passion, or hate, or fear, or whatever other muddle emotion you start feeling and then you aren't making solid decisions. About anything. 

Consistency over intensity. 

Even at a 15% incline on the treadmill. 

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