Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I Know...

I was trying to stay away from a lot of political posting, but...

Someone tried to assassinate Trump. That's a big deal. There needs to be an investigation into the security lapses. If there is any way to see why this young man chose to do this then it would probably be a good idea to find that out as well. Lots of speculation right now, but not a lot of answers. 

I am sure it's been incredibly traumatic for Trump and for anyone who might possibly love him, or consider him their pathway to power. But...

That does not mean that we should ignore who he is and what Project 2025 is, what Agenda 47 is, what JD Vance has said about abortion and divorce, what the tax cuts for the wealthy mean, and what Musk pledging 45 million dollars a month to a PAC to elect him means, and how that ties to all of the tech sector lining up behind Trump and what that means as far as getting information from the media, mainstream and social. (big breath)

What it does not mean is that by talking about those things we are being divisive or wishing violence on him. 

It means we are pointing out what we vehemently disagree on and wishing him a lovely retirement. 

I've talked about it before but when my attempted rapist failed, one of the things he made sure to do was tell me if I told anyone he would say that I had allowed him to go too far. It was me at fault not him. I would be the problem if I spoke up. And he was right. I didn't say anything to anyone but he did talk to a friend of mine and that friend confronted me about what I had done wrong. With my would be rapist mouthing, See? behind his head. 

Don't let them get away with their plans because you don't want to be accused of something that you aren't doing. 

You are not being divisive or mean spirited or a bad person by saying that Trump and the whole Republican establishment is unfit for office. That they are a threat to our democracy. That they want to tear our whole system down. They have told you who they are, don't let them try and tell you who you are. 

The media is normalizing really crazy shit right now. They are walking us down the path to authoritarianism and it's weird to watch happen. They've traded journalism for entertainment. The corporations that own our media outlets are more interested in tax breaks and profits than a well informed electorate. We worry about state run media, we are already getting sanitized and approved media. As Joe Biden would say, Come on, man! 

Trump is a threat to our country. The entire Republican party meeting right now at the Republican National Convention brought to you by the Heritage Foundation (IT'S ON THE SIGNS IN THE FREAKING AIRPORT!) is a threat. If you are not a cis gendered, white, Christian, man, with money this is not a good idea for you. And even if you are you need to start eyeballing who is ahead of you and who is right behind you in line. After they clear out all of the undesirables that they feel are holding them back, and they are still not where they want to be they will eat their own. It's how systems like that work. Consolidation of power continues. How secure are you? Are your kids? Are you willing to bet on that? 

I'm not. 

I mean I'm not secure at all. My child is obviously not. But aside from that I don't want to live in a country that celebrates the very things I left the church because of. I don't want to live in an oligarchy. I don't want to live in a theocracy. I just don't. And saying so does not mean I'm somehow advocating for violence. 

I'm advocating for votes. I'm appealing to those that need to be motivated to vote. 

Don't let them convince you that it's your fault they are terrible. 

They are terrible. 

Vote accordingly. 

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