Thursday, August 1, 2024

Leo Season...

One of the first things I thought this morning was that it was fitting that I am ending my no Facebook posting on August 1 since it's Cinnamon's birthday and I can wish her a happy one easily this way. You know how Leo's love to be shown love after all...

Cinnamon was the first person to say such a thing to me. We became friends through the theater program in high school. She asked when my birthday was one day and when I told her she said, "I KNEW you were a Leo." Apparently I was just so Leo it was obvious. 

I tossed my hair, snapped my fingers to gather my entourage and told her, I don't think so...

I'm kidding. I might have tossed my hair, only because it tends to cover my eyes, but I didn't have an entourage. And would never snap my fingers at one if I did. And I asked her why I was so Leo.

I obviously knew what sign I was. I think most people do. There were these machines at the car wash that you could get a monthly horoscope scroll. I loved those. The scroll as much as anything else. I just liked the idea that it was a scroll. And I had no doubt that it was true because the church harped on how it was demonic. 


If the church had said from the start, look astrology is bunk. There is no way that everyone born within the same month is going to have the same personality traits let alone the same sort of day. If they had pointed out that if you took the names and dates off of each sign and handed them out randomly people could find traits that matched theirs. That vaguary is purposeful. It's nonsense. If they had said that, I would have said, yup nonsense. Fun to play with, but it doesn't really matter. Just a joke. 

Instead they said, HEY THIS IS DANGEROUS STUFF! And so I thought, well clearly it is true and means something.

They did the same with Ouija boards and random other witchcraft and spiritualism type things. You will never find someone who believes in magic as much as an Evangelical. Because from birth you are taught to stay away from such things. So clearly they are real and they are powerful. 

Odd right? Wouldn't you want to give it all less weight? Make it all seem silly, or con artist type stuff? 

Or do you need evil if you are pushing good? 

Ironically, one of the other things Cinnamon told me (a few years later after we had become in each other's pockets friends) was that one of the things she liked about me was that I took her being a wiccan seriously. I never made fun of the idea. If she said she was wiccan, she was wiccan. Again, the church had taught me that it was a real thing so of course I didn't doubt her when she said she practiced. If I had been told that it was nonsense, I would have treated her with less respect. So even though the outcome they wanted was me to pray for her and tell her that she was dabbling in demonic portals, the treat it with respect is actually what stuck.

I have a lot of friends who are wiccan or who dabble in what are essentially wiccan practices. Oddly enough, even some who would tell you that they are Christians, but you know, that crystal can't hurt right? 

It's just interesting to me that I think the strongest believers in astrology, witchcraft, satanism and all around evil are only that way because the church told them to be. While also telling them to avoid it all at all costs. 

I mean, don't go eating that chocolate cake. It's the richest, moistest, most decadent cake you'll ever have, but don't eat it! 


Or maybe it's just me. Being a rebel is just so Leo...


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