Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday Starts...

Next Sunday that is. 

So I've talked about doing an exchange with Dana over the past year and a half. It's a way to keep us both writing. We alternate weeks sending each other work.

It's a space for me to try out some things. She's not my birth child, but she is my soul child. So sort of like Brent and Katie I view our relationship as she has to love me even if I send her totally fucked up fiction. It gives me a little more freedom. It might be terrible, or it might be too Mary Sue, or it might be brilliant. As long as it's writing, it counts. She might not view it that way, or she might wish I didn't, but it works for me. 

I just sent her the last piece of writing in a story I started last year. There are 23 sections to it. It's not my typical storytelling at all. And I have given up on it multiple times. And decided it was just crap more than that. But today I finished it. Like put a bow on it and it's done. 

And I decided that I will share it with you all next. To me it seems like a good Sunday morning story so that's what I'm going to do. Starting next week I'm going to publish a new chapter every Sunday (except a few where we will be out of town). Some of them are longer than others. You can sort of see where I got stuck and just wanted to move the story along, and where their stories were really flowing by the length of the section. I'm sure I'll also probably rewrite just a touch if I find things that don't work now that I know how it ends. But for the most part you'll get it the same way I sent it to Dana. 

Just every week instead of every other with breaks for other stories because I was stuck. 

Twenty three weeks of Sunday stories. 

Starting next week. 

Today you just get this little preview:

The story is about books. And friends.  And lives that are happy. 

It's not a conflict story. 

Don't wait for the twist, it's not coming. (I know, I always say never talk about the twist, but there really isn't one, just settle in and enjoy the story because it's all on the face, no subtle messages)

Dana described it a cozy. 

And the odds are strong I'll never write something like that again.

Though The Witches in the Wonky Tower was semi-cozy, so maybe...but it was only 8 parts, not 23.

I'm still not sure I like it, but I don't hate it anymore, so take that as the oddest story review you'll ever get. 

You can let me know what you think starting next Sunday. 

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