Monday, July 1, 2024


Here we go. I already logged on to Facebook once today by habit. I quickly found the way to hide the icon on my phone so I don't do it again. Just such a complete habit to open my phone and click the button when I'm waiting for something. But I learned something new (how to hide the icon) and realized as soon as I clicked in what I did and shut it right back down so I'm calling it a win.

Brent is off this week, taking a little staycation. We went to the zoo this morning. I thought we would beat the crowds by getting there at open. And it sort of worked. It didn't really start to get crowded until right as we were leaving, but the zookeepers were also doing a lot of habitat maintenance first thing, and a lot of the animals were sleeping in so it wasn't as great of an idea as I had thought it would be. But just glad we went today instead of toward the end of the week when we are supposed to be angry hot outside. 

I think I've mentioned it before but I am not the adult that moves so kids can have a better view. If I'm looking at something and a kid wants to see they can wait their turn. I have zero problem standing next to the glass to watch the otters. Had a dad try to passive aggressive me out of the way. He did not succeed. And it made him a little tense. I just smiled when I was done. Brent thinks he's lucky I didn't tell him my ticket was more expensive than his kids so yeah, I get the best views. Which I have said to someone before who tried to bully me out of the way...

And I'm not a monster. I will let a child in front of me if there is room to see over them, but if it's a case where you are looking low or if they stand in front of you, you lose your view, I won't. I also won't be pushed out of the way by a kid. A lot of them just run right up to you and shove. I'm pretty solidly rooted. I won't push back, but I don't move. And I usually say something. 

We always made Katie wait politely. And I would body her into spaces if other kids were being overly pushy and jumping ahead of her to see things. Teach your kids that sometimes you have to wait. And that some adults are assholes. I'm really out there giving life lessons. 

And if your kid is really polite and waits their turn and isn't a shovey little bastard...I will point out where the sloth is hiding. Or where the best viewing for the baby orangutan is. Or how if you put your hand on the glass the chimpanzee will put theirs on the other side. 

OH! And I'll never tell them that a chimpanzee will rip your face off. That was one woman and her family today. The kids were like 6 down to 2 and she was busy talking about how chimps will rip your face off because they are so mean and so strong; while there were three of them on the other side of the glass. Which is super strong glass, but at 6 do you realize that? The nightmares those kids have should be interesting. And the start of a lifelong fear of primates. Don't tell kids that the chimpanzee can rip off their face. I mean it's true, but don't tell them that. 

So here we go with July. Facebook break. Zoo day. No face ripping chimpanzees. Good start. 

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