Monday, July 15, 2024


"When they go low, we go high." Michelle Obama. The aspirational one. The classic quote that people use all of the time. 

"My fellow Americans, I want to speak to you tonight about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics and to remember, while we may disagree, we are not enemies. We’re neighbors. We’re friends, coworkers, citizens. And, most importantly, we are fellow Americans. And we must stand together." President Joe Biden. The Comforter in Chief. In one of his three responses to the attempted assassination of Trump.

I've seen quotes by many prominent democrats condemning the violence and being relieved that Trump is okay, while showing sympathy for the family of the man who lost his life. 

Biden has put a hold on all of his political ads, and any statements from his campaign for now. 

"Violence such as this has no place in our nation. We must all condemn this abhorrent act and do our part to ensure that it does not lead to more violence." The last line from the statement from Vice President Kamala Harris.

And then... 

“Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.” JD Vance, the VP nominee for the Republican Party. 

“Don’t tell me they didn’t know exactly what they were doing with this crap. Calling my dad a ‘dictator’ and a ‘threat to Democracy’ wasn’t some one off comment. It has been the *MAIN MESSAGE* of the Biden-Kamala campaign and Democrats across the country!!!” Donald Trump, Jr.'s statement. Junior who posted jokes about Paul Pelosi being attacked in his home. 

Look, the next few weeks are going to be filled with people telling the left that we have a violence problem. That we did this. That somehow pointing out that Trump is unfit for office motivated a registered Republican, gun enthusiast, to try to kill him. Republican shoots Republican, see how it's the Democrats' fault!

The Supreme Court has ruled that Trump can do what he wants. The judge in Florida just reversed the previous rulings that the Special Counsel was legal and dismissed the stolen documents case. Project 2025 is still out there. Agenda 47 is still in the works. 

Nothing has changed. 

Except he has a cool new T-shirt picture and poster for the MAGAs to have signed. 

Do not let them silence you under pretense that somehow pointing out who he is, is divisive. Do not fall for that nonsense. Don't listen to people who are saying things like this will hand him the election. Did it change your mind on who you are voting for? Why would it change anyone's mind? "Republican shoots at Republican with AR 15 so I will change my vote," said no Democrat ever. 

Also be really wary of information you get. There is still a ton of made up shit floating around. Conspiracy theories. Flat out lies. Don't spread information that you don't know for sure is true. And if you then find out what you thought was true wasn't, correct yourself. 

What happened was horrible. I would imagine more than a few people in the Secret Service are going to lose their jobs over this. Someone died. Two other people are seriously injured. We came a few inches from complete chaos. But none of that changes who they are, what they want, and what we need to do in November. 

I respect Mrs. Obama's grace and class. 
I adore President Biden's caring nature. 
I appreciate Vice President Harris's even approach. 

I want more people like them to represent the best of us. 

Don't give up hope. Don't let the media or Republican talking heads gaslight you into believing this is your fault for pointing out who he is. Don't let them scare you or silence you. 

And most importantly, Vote. 

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