Monday, June 3, 2024


Years ago I read a book about the ethics of voting. About what the correct ethical approach to voting really is. And his takeaway was that not everyone should vote. 

Thomas Jefferson wrote often about the importance of a well informed electorate and how that's the best defense against tyranny. Well informed. 

Another book I read just a few years ago talked about how every democracy in history has ended in authoritarianism. Simple beliefs are really appealing. And nothing is more simple than being told what to do, how to feel, what to think. 

All of these things together inform the way I vote. 

I make sure I'm well informed. It can be and is often extremely frustrating and I will say "I'm not going to (fill in the blank) anymore." That blank could be watch the news or listen to the news. Read articles. Watch debates. Keep up with politics. Read environmental studies. Read medical studies. It can be overwhelming. Not just because there is so much of it, but because so much of it is bullshit.

Our media does not do a good job of providing GOOD information. They just hit you with a firehose of stuff. Does this look engaging? Then that's what we lead with! But they don't worry about accuracy much anymore. They worry about looking biased and needing to provide both sides of issues so nobody calls them names. Even when there aren't two balanced sides. There isn't an equal amount of science saying climate change isn't happening, for instance, but you'd never guess that with the way it's reported.

And feelings are not facts. Just because a large group of people feel a certain way, that's not factual. And it's working against the well informed citizenry when you report those feelings as if they are as important as facts.

But because I do believe in ethical voting even if I say I'm not going to watch or pay attention or whatever I still do. Because I need to really know what it is I'm voting on when the time comes. 

And sometimes that means I don't vote on an issue. 

If I don't know enough, and can't find enough information I don't vote. 

If I really believe that there isn't a best choice, or a least worst choice, I don't vote. 

If there is a least worst choice I vote for that one. 

Which you hear people who think they are riding some sort of moral high say about things like the presidential race. They don't want to vote for the lesser of two evils. (you can see my face right now)

First off, as I've written about before, if you say this I know you are not informed. You aren't a serious person. You are, in fact, ignorant. And I know that pisses people off and makes them call me names like condescending and a stupid bitch. But, that's fine, there is a difference between the two candidates right now. And you even said so in your 'less evil' comparison. 

If the choice is between more evil and less evil you need to choose less evil. Always. 

And if you think there isn't much difference between Trump and Biden you need to change the channel you're watching and get exposed to a few other points of view. 

Or just, you know, listen to the two men speak.Actually look at the things that Biden has accomplished in his presidency. Or read what Trump has planned if he's re-elected. They have it online. It's Christian Nationalism sliding into authoritarianism. Which I get, from the reading I mentioned and from watching people online, is actually attractive to a lot of people. Daddy tell us what to do is the basis for most religions right? It's easier to be told what to do than to have to weigh the pros and cons yourself. And if they can somehow make you believe that them telling you what to do is the real freedom? Well...

A well informed electorate is important. 

Understand what and who you are voting for or don't vote. Better to abstain than make it worse. Which I know is a hard thing to swallow. We think of voting as something you have to do, and we bemoan the fact that so many people don't. And I wish more people would take the time to get informed and vote, but only if they do that first half. Get informed. Don't vote if you are going to make it worse. And you only know if you are going to make it worse or better by being informed.

As far as our upcoming presidential election there shouldn't even be a worry about who will win. We should be looking at a landslide the likes of which we've never seen. But it won't go that way. There are people who will vote for Trump over Biden because they somehow think it's the better choice. There are people who will vote for a third party because they think they are better off making a statement instead of being responsible for a choice. There are a whole lot of people who won't vote at all. 

But for me, ethically, the choice is clear. Any vote not for Biden is a vote for an end to our democracy. It's a vote to slide into authoritarianism. You don't have to take my word for it, you can go read it in their own plans. We should not be looking at the potential for another Trump presidency and yet, here we are. 

But we can stop it. 

We can look at each issue that is important and ask the simple question who makes this better Trump or Biden? And here is the last piece of that ethical voting question, not just better for me, but better for the world at large. For our society. Like another round of tax cuts from Trump might be better for me personally, but it wouldn't be better for the United States. And I think that's the only one that is even close. Every other question, even if Biden hasn't done exactly what I think he should have, I know that Trump would be worse. 

It's not even close.

The ethical way to vote is to weigh the issues not just from a personal stand, but a societal stand. What is the best possible choice? Or the least worst choice if you don't think either one is a best choice. First do no harm. Then do less harm. Then if you can't see a path for either stay home. 

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