Tuesday, June 4, 2024

End Of No Weigh May...

Finally stepped on the scale this morning after No Weigh May. 

I gained weight. 

Which wasn't unexpected. 

I started taking creatine a couple weeks ago. It's supposed to help with muscle development and strength. It's been recommended to me over and over again and I've always avoided it because one of the side effects is weight gain. Not the whole muscle weighs more than fat, but weight gain at the start of taking it. 

The reason is it triggers your muscles to hold on to more water. To stay really hydrated. Your whole body works better if you are well hydrated.

I finally decided that the 5 pounds they warn you about was a fine trade off for the muscle health I'm trying to regain. Very logical.

Until I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that yep, I gained weight. Three pounds since the end of April. Well fuck. Don't like seeing that number at all. Yuck. 

Yeah, I went from logical, this is going to make me gain weight but make my muscles healthier. To oh no, this is not good just by stepping on the scale. 

Nothing changed about my weight in May. I bopped around the same area I have been for a while. I can tell because of where my weight was this morning with the added creatine bump. But my attitude about it changed. 

I thought about it with curiosity. I wonder what I weigh today? But curiosity was the only emotion attached to it. A little bit of hamster wheel spinning about wanting to know but not the negative or positive this is a good number this is a bad number feeling. 

So I'm not going to go back to weighing in every day. When the curiosity gets really high I'll do it, otherwise I'm going to do my best to ignore it. 

Which is what I had hoped I would get out of NWM. A letting go moment. I'm eating well. Healthy for the most part. But not denying myself the things I enjoy either. I'm working out 5 days a week. Cardio for 5, weights for 2, core for one. It's a good balance. In July I'll retest and see where I am as far as running that 5k. I'll probably also change to weights 3 days. But I'm trying to make sure that I don't over do it and wreck my elbow after doing so well on easing into things again. 

So NWM will morph into sometimes weigh but not every day. 

Kind of like Dry July last year morphed into maybe I'll drink again someday, but I don't miss it so maybe not.

So here is your reminder to try letting go of the things that you don't feel are serving you. It might be hard, or you might find out it's really pretty easy.  

You don't even have to wait for a rhyming month to give it a try. 

OH! Or...Give it a try July could fit anything!

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