Saturday, June 8, 2024

And Now We Are Dead...

Okay, maybe not. 

Yesterday after I posted that little fiction piece a friend commented on it, and what she thought might resolve the issue. Which made me laugh because it was similar to a conversation that I had had with my father-in-law about his numbers problem.

If all we are is energy. Electrical impulses between cells. Brain waves dictating experiences. If that's what we are then why would we assume that the electrical impulses contained in this particular vessel would hang together once the body has ended its life cycle?

Wouldn't the, for lack of a better word, soul just reenter the pool of energy that's out there (waves vaguely) and then be regathered for the next round of whatever was being animated?

If energy can neither be created or destroyed but only changed from one form to another then isn't that what reincarnation really is? 

See, Brent's dad grew up in the same religion that I did, basically, a few slight tweaks, but as close as you can get without it being the same church. So he spent time after leaving the church trying to figure out the universe as well. He was 20 years ahead of me on his journey, but same sort of search.  

When you grow up with an explanation for everything and a feeling, at least for awhile, that the explanation makes sense, if you decide it's wrong you spend a good chunk of time looking for a replacement theory. And a lot of us who leave one religion end up in another or in a "spiritual practice" because that's what we are used to, and that's what we are looking for. A grand theory that explains it all. 

So when I first brought up the idea of reincarnation, or to be more accurate Jack noticed a book I was reading that was about reincarnation, he brought up the numbers issue. Not just to be a know it all but because he'd thought about it too. Then I hit him with my pool of souls theory and he told me he'd think about it and get back to me. 

My guess is Ann told him to drop it because he never did. 

Jack was a lawyer and you all know me so you know that debate didn't bother us. Ann grew up with an authoritarian, narcissistic parent so debate for her was not pleasant and she felt it was fighting instead of impassioned discussion. Brent was raised by Ann so you can see how the first few years of our marriage took some negotiating when I was just getting warmed up in an argument he was leaving the room and not engaging. I wanted resolution, he wanted peace.  

But back to dying...

I still toss ideas around about the what ifs. It's a lot of my fiction. Because nobody really knows. Some people are positive they know, but that is just what they believe. And belief isn't always truth. But for me the wondering is always entertaining. And because nobody does know it's always something to ponder for everyone. 

What I believe is that when we die we die. Even if the energy that animates this particular body moves into something else, the we, the person we are right now, that's done. We get this one life as this person to do with it what we will. And I don't think that it's likely we move on with this consciousness. I've talked about it before, it doesn't bother me. I have no memory or fear of before I was born so why should I worry about after I die? 

But that doesn't mean I won't still write a thousand more what if stories. 

Who knows if I stumble across one that resonates with people maybe I'll buy that island and start that cult after all...

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