Monday, May 1, 2023

Pretend It's April...

Okay, so I got distracted being angry yesterday and didn't do the end of the month update so we are pretending that it's still the last day of April and putting it out there now. So act like you are still posting Justin meme's and pictures of ramen and...

How did April go?

Eh. It was a mixed month. 

Hit the writing numbers but there were a couple of times I went more than two days without writing which is not what I want to do. I can hit my numbers doing that, but I don't really want to do it that way. Still counting it as a win that I did hit the numbers, including the extra couple of fiction pieces to Dana. Which is nice because that means those banked fiction pieces are adding up for the just incase I hit a doldrums space. 

Read Pamela Anderson's memoir for that piece. I had a few friends who saw the television companion documentary and enjoyed it, and I always like when someone whose story you THINK you know gets a chance to tell their own version. It was interesting. I can say she has terrible taste in men. Like a red flag means go go go to her terrible. But we pretty much knew that already from her marriage history.

The self help book was one that was off of my Kindle but, funny story, when I picked it up I couldn't remember when I bought it or where the recommendation came from. Last weekend while we were having breakfast Brent said, "I think we're reading the same book. Got to a place in the book and you had told me about it a book you were reading." So it wasn't technically a book on my long TBR pile, it was one out of the shared library! Oh well! I'm still counting it. 

Workouts were good until they weren't. Tweaked my knee and then got busy with contractors so I ended up missing an entire week. Back at it now, but it's so much easier to stop working out than it is to start up again. 

I knew I would be focused on workers in and out of the house last month and I was. I'm still dealing with them this month so it might be June before I feel like we are resettled from the year in the house review. 

Good news we've got like 90% install of those kitchen cabinets done. Funny enough the day the did the base install was the one year anniversary of when we moved into the house. 

So for May I'm looking at trying to instill some of those good habits I read about in my self help book for April. I wrote out a fairly detailed this is how I'm going to get it done schedule over the weekend and of course it all blew up this morning with another contractor being at the house and disrupting the timeline. But I did get the workout in and I'm writing right now and I will go ahead and do the cleaning chores I had scheduled in for this morning after I finish here. Just instead of being done by early afternoon it will be right about the time I need to start cooking dinner that I'm done with those other things. Still counts. Still get that star. 

Also looking at doing the Fat Mum Slim POD again. But this month she's turned it into a reel instead of a picture. I've not been a big Reels user and I don't really get the whole looping and music and jump cuts part of it. But I might do short little videos each day for the prompts. I'm not completely convinced I will, but I did do the first one so I am covered if I want to do it all.

Still plugging along toward that end of  year list. The writing priority is still in place even with the couple day lapses last month. 

I think that covers it for now. 

On we longer is it gonna be May...

Now it is. 

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