Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Okay, here we go! WriSoMoNo!

Write Some More Now, for those of you who forgot, is all about scratching the itch of NaNoWriMo without opening a vein. I want a challenge, but not one that seems way too daunting. Something to get the creativity train going, but not run me over. Just a little challenge. 

Little compared to past years. Pretty big compared to my output this year. 

So WriSoMoNo rules:

In the month of November I will write at least 25,000 words. They can be any words as long as they get published to the blog. Thus why the rules weren't posted yesterday. And why this is going to be more than the two sentences it really needs to be.

Within those 25,000 words there has to be six fiction pieces. There can be more. It can be mostly fiction if that's the way the month goes, but there have to be at least six. And those aren't measured by word count. Just individual piece count. The words within those pieces count toward the total.

And that's it. 

Pretty simple. Some nonfiction, some fiction, all of it adding up to at least 25,0000 words. Which is half of a NaNo count.

I'm also doing 30 Days of Thanks on Facebook for status updates and Picture of the Day as well. It's kind of a retro throwback month. Hitting all the highlights. I'm thinking up something for December as well. Going to go out of this year on a bang I think. 

And when I posted the list of prompts for this month's Picture of the Day my friend Kirsty asked me if those were photo prompts or writing prompts. Why photo, of course. Then I read the list and said, and writing! So yeah, there will be some stories here that are based on the photo prompts because it turns out there are a lot of good writing prompts on that list. The first piece will be a blending of the first two prompts, A Collection and A Book Cover. Those sparked an idea and it's been forming all morning so hopefully I'll get that written as soon as I post this. 

And I'd also like to suggest to those of you that follow me on Facebook you might want to pick up Instagram in the next couple of months. I go by Totally Random But over there. So original, I know. 

And so we begin, WriSoMoNo: 413 down, 24,587 to go!

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