Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Quick Post...

Just finished writing my end of year letters to my G. Nephew and G. Niece. I usually recap the year a bit for them, but this time they got just the past 6 weeks or so. It's just been that bonkers. 

Debate, calls for step down, media frenzy, assassination attempt, giant diaper bandage, actual step down, miracle ear healing, dems in total array, VP speculation, VP pick, more rejoicing and array. 

It's been a lot. 

I also looked at the way I write them differently. 

What I write to my G Nephew and what I write to my G Niece. The differences. 

What I dream and hope for him and his future along with what I dream and hope for hers. 

There is a lot more worry around hers. 

He's a smart kid. Like Katie levels of smart. He's also extraordinarily kind. Like Katie levels of kind. I see the future in him. No matter what. Because of that pronoun. He. Him. His. It's a safer world for him. Even though he's a tenderheart, strong feelings kind of man, he's still a man. And even though he's half white and half Mexican, it's his white that you see first. And right now that's the easy setting on life. I'm hopeful that by the time he's really hitting his stride it won't be as big of an issue. But right now being mixed race is still something that apparently a lot of people have issue with.

She is a force of nature. It seems to be the norm with women in my line. We are the calm before the storm and also the entire storm. She's been described as difficult already. Which I told her made me so proud. Difficult women get shit changed. But the world is lining up against difficult women right now. They are stripping rights and being open and blatant about wanting to turn women into brood mares. Vance said it would be better for children if women would just stay in abusive relationships. 

I worry about the future for her. 

She Her Hers. 

It's a big difference and I wish it wasn't. But right now it is. 

I'm hoping that next year I write a letter to her about how exciting it is to have a female president. Who is also a woman of color. The power that she holds and the power that my G Niece can see reflected as a choice for her as well. Representation matters. Fighting for the next generation and the one after that and the one after that matters. 

The letters I write to them are different. The fears and the worries I have for them are different. I wish they weren't, but they are. 

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