Sunday, August 4, 2024

Books Chapter 4....

 Books Chapter Three

“You read too much.”

“Excuse me?” Ellie put her book down and looked up at the person interrupting her study time.

“You read too much. You’re always reading.”

Ellie tried to remember the name of the boy talking to her. She knew he was in World History with her, but there were 85 students in that class, so she didn’t know most of their names. She felt like just recognizing someone was pretty good.

“I don’t think I’m always reading.” Ellie wished she was always reading. She liked reading more than talking to most of the people at this school. She had thought college would be more about interesting discussions with academically focused peers, instead it was just like high school with easier access to alcohol.

“You are. Like right now, head buried in a book.”

“Well, we are in a library, so that doesn’t seem like all that shocking of a thing.”

“How about in the cafeteria or on the Quad? Every time I see you are reading.”

“Are you following me around campus?” Ellie was still trying to remember what this boy’s name was and now she was finding out he was her own personal stalker.

“No, I’m not following you, I just happen to see you places. We have a similar schedule you know. And it even happens in Mr. Freed’s class as well. He’s lecturing and you’ve got a book open.”

“Yeah, my notebook following his lecture outline.”

“What lecture outline?”

“In the syllabus? Every lecture he gives he has notes in the syllabus to follow.”

“Oh, no wonder it was so thick.”

“You didn’t read the syllabus?”

“I never read the syllabus. Why would you? The syllabus just tells you what is going to happen in class, and I’m going to be in class so I will find out then.”

“So, you have no idea what the required reading is?”

“There isn’t really required reading. He’s going to lecture on the same material so why read it ahead of time? I’m not a big reader, I’m not going to do extra work.”

“What about when to expect tests or quizzes or when projects are due? Nothing?” The thought of not reading and marking out important notes from a syllabus was almost horrifying to her. Actually, not even almost.

“Nah, I mean the instructors usually tell you if there is a test the next class, or someone who sits near you will remind you, right?”

“I guess so, maybe, but what if they don’t and you aren’t prepared?”

“Then I’m not prepared, and I’ll have to get extra credit later.”

“Mr. Freed doesn’t give extra credit.”

“Every instructor gives extra credit.”

“He doesn’t. It’s like the second thing he mentions in the syllabus.”

He shrugged his shoulders, “We will see. And worst case if I need to, I’ll just pick up the credit in summer session. Those classes are always easier anyway.”

“Not always. I took statistics last summer and it was extremely hard, it was so much information to take in on a shortened schedule I was glad it was the only class I had.”

“Well how about that, even with your head in a book all the time you had to retake statistics!”

“Oh, I didn’t retake it, that was the first time.”

“You voluntarily took a summer session class that you didn’t need to?”

Ellie shook her head, “No, I needed the class. I just took it when it fit my schedule. I couldn’t fit it in my schedule last Spring, and I didn’t want to take it this Fall because I have a tight schedule and trying to find the right classes at the right time is hard enough.”

“So did you have any fun last summer or was it all statistics and books?”

“Why would you assume that wasn’t fun?”

“Because it’s school and books?”

“I have a feeling you and I have a very different idea of fun.”

“Only one way to find out.” He gave her what Ellie assumed he thought was his most charming smile.

She thought, “Oh god, no, don’t do that. I am not flirting with you. This is not an invitation to hang out or go out or even talk more. Please don’t do it...”

“So how about it?”

“How about what?”

“How about we see if we agree on fun? Want to grab some pizza and see a movie tonight?”

“We have a test tomorrow in World History. That’s what I’m studying right now.”

“Oh, wow! See? I was right, someone will always tell you.” And with that he sat down at her table, “So what do we need to know?”

“We need to know that you weren’t invited to sit down, and we need to know that you are sitting in my space.” Gloria dropped her book bag on the table, “Sorry, I’m late. I got held up talking about my paper with the TA for Comparative Lit.”

“Um, excuse me? This table is full.”

Gloria smiled, “It is, like I said, you’re in my spot.”

Ellie started to pack up her bag, “You know what? Let’s just go grab a coffee.”

“That sounds great, and you can tell me what I should know for the test tomorrow.”

“Not you. Her. You can stay here and study. I have a feeling you need it.”

“Nah, it’ll be fine. I’ll just tag along with you two.”

“Look, buddy, read the room, you aren’t invited. She’s actually trying to gracefully get away from you without feeling like she has to be a jerk. Because she hates being a jerk. I, on the other hand, don’t have that problem so back off.”

Ellie started to laugh; she couldn’t help it.

Gloria gave her a puzzled look.

“He’s not a big reader. You told him to read the room, but he’s not a big reader.”

“Okay, yeah, time for a study break. Let’s go.” Gloria picked up their bookbags and started to usher her giggling friend out of the library. And one more time just to make sure he got the message, “Not you. You stay here.”

“So, I’ll see you in class?”

Ellie started to laugh again, “Not a big reader.”

Books Chapter Five

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