Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Follow Ups...

So remember back in June when I had the blood panels done as part of the ADD assessment? It came back subclinical hypothyroidism. The level of my TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) was high but not super high, just let's keep an eye on this high. At the levels they were it could either be a sign that my thyroid was starting to fail or that it was just taking a little break. The diagnosis was wait and see and get retested in a few months.

Fast forward to August and I got retested. And the levels are higher. So it's not taking a little break it's failing. I could have waited for another round of testing before starting medication but I'm starting to show symptoms so no waiting necessary. 

I started thyroid medication, basically fake thyroid hormones, last week. I have to take them first thing in the morning an hour before I eat anything or have any coffee. Also I have to not take any other supplements within four hours of taking the meds. So I've had to rejigger my morning. Moved my vitamins and estrogen to dinner for instance. I also get up now and make Brent's breakfast, make our smoothies, do the dishes THEN make my own breakfast and eat. I'm sort of eating breakfast with Brent still, as in I'm in the kitchen while he eats. Weekends are easier, I get up and take my pill then go back to bed. Brent makes breakfast so it will be ready at least an hour after I take my pill. 

I go back in in 8 weeks to have my levels retested and see if this does the trick. It might take a few times and adjustments to hit the right amount of medication. 

I'm really hopeful that I see an end to the side effects and a reversal of some of them. Like my hair. I'd really like my hair to stop falling out in massive amounts. I mean I've always shed quite a bit and with it being long it really seems like even more than it is, but it's noticeably thinner right now. I've even got the start of a bald spot on my forehead. The doctor said it should all start to grow back once we get the hormones rebalanced. 

Also hopeful, of course, that I drop some of this weight. Especially with the changing of the season I really would like to get back to the size I was. I've been making due with some of my stretchy dresses and loose pants. Winter will be a challenge if I don't get back down to the size most of my wardrobe is. I absolutely don't relish the idea of having to buy a new wardrobe. But hoping this turns the tide on my weight. 

The other piece I'm really interested in is the cardiovascular stuff. But I won't know if this is helping that or not. I guess if I don't have a heart attack soon then I will know at least my systems didn't get worse. That is the piece that worried me the most. Not the part that bothered me the most. The hair and the weight did that. But if I stopped and thought about it it was the part that made me worry. To be clear, I wasn't having any symptoms, except a short spate of higher than normal blood pressure, but it's a side effect of your thyroid failing. And I have a family history of heart disease so as soon as I heard it was a side effect part of my brain latched on to it as a worry point. But no actual symptoms of anything bad happening. 

Hopefully the meds do their job and I get my hair back, my weight down, and my heart stays healthy. 

Fingers crossed!

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