Friday, August 30, 2024

A Day Early...

Yes, technically August doesn't end until tomorrow, but tomorrow is sort of busy so I'll write today instead. 

I was so optimistic that August was going to be better than August has been lately and then, well, you know, August Augusted and it's been a little stressful. 

But other than that how did the month go?

The rapid fire bonkers politics slowed down. Trump is still trumping, but the dems have been having a great time. The convention was fun and interesting for the first time in ages. The press is doing them no favors, but the Harris/Walz ticket has been barnstorming the battleground states and it's been great to watch. I'm feeling a little optimistic for November but also not feeling like it's a shoe in. Trump is running to stay out of jail and he's desperate so it will still be a mess. Everyone double and triple check your registration and make sure you vote. 

Personally, aside from the Intel stress, I rolled along with things. 

Just finished week five in that 6 week running series I told you about before. I was running at 5.3 for my high speeds weeks 1-3 but dropped back to mostly 5.0 week four. The distances and elevation changes were making 5.3 just out of reach but a slight dial back and it's a stretch, but not to the point where I feel like I'm dying. And since my overall speed was around 4.5 before this is still faster and that was the goal, faster and longer without feeling like I'm dying. Also a good reminder that it's okay to step back a little when you need to. 

Writing was a little slow. That's due to the Intel stuff. I didn't want to talk about that until we made some decisions, and because all Brent and I were talking about in off times was that, so I didn't want to talk about it during other times. BUT...because it was the main thing in my head it made writing about anything else tricky. I process things by writing about them and when I haven't then nothing else wants to be there. But I hit the base goals. Nothing for padding, but the five fiction and 13 nonfiction got done. Hopefully next month that will pick back up again. I mean, I'll still be a little worried about the Intel stuff until we are past October 1, but there is nothing else to do but wait so I'm hoping it tucks back in the back of my head and sits there.

I'm three weeks into the thyroid medication. The doctor said it could take up to two months to kick in, and that's when I'll get retested, so I'm trying not to be too disappointed but... The weight gain stopped. That's the good thing. But I haven't lost any of what I gained either. Which I was really hoping would happen. My wardrobe has become a cycle of just a handful of things, especially if I have to leave the house, and I don't want to have to start replacing them. It would be incredibly depressing to get rid of everything that doesn't fit right now. So much stuff would go. But if my weight doesn't shift soon that's what I'll do. I hate the feeling of not fitting everything in my closet. I really do feel like you should not own things that make you feel badly about yourself. And trying to squeeze into a too small outfit will do that for me. And I don't think the hair loss has slowed just yet. I keep repeating, "it can take up to two months to kick in" everytime I throw away a clump of hair, but I'm not going to lie, I was hoping for a quicker turnaround.

And aside from all of that I just can't believe August is over and it's already September. We are in the rapid downhill part of the year now. Hang on tight!

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