Saturday, August 3, 2024

When Will They Come for You?

Before the Olympics started there were so many warnings from different agencies that Russia was going to work to disrupt them. There were heightened security measures. There were warnings about disinformation campaigns. And everyone said, "Okay, we're prepared!"

And Russia laughed in transphobia and released a rumor and a false accusation and the world took the bait. 

She's not trans. All of the stories you've heard about what she is or isn't aren't based on facts either. All you know about her is that she's a woman. Born a woman. Raised as a woman. Trained as a woman. She's a woman. From a country where being trans is illegal. For the boys are born with penises and women with vaginas crowd this should have been an easy one. But alas it's never been about that. 

Patriarchy hurts men as much as women. It is a system of submission. It's a power dynamic that helps to support a small group of men, MANLY men, over everyone else. If you are a man who does not fit that mold you are punished by patriarchy as much as women are. 

Transphobia is the same. It's not about trans people. Or let's face it, as always, trans women. It's about keeping everyone in a box. Female athletes have faced trans panic for as long as there have been female athletics. Martina Navratilova, who is right now pushing a false trans accusation again Imane Khelif, was accused of being a man during her playing days. You would think she would know better. But alas, when you get started hating people it's hard to think clearly.

All women who are good at sports get it. When the bullshit around Lia Thomas was happening they took a picture and spread it around the internet showing how unfair it was that she was swimming against "real" women. Look how broad her shoulders are, how much longer her arms and legs are, how narrow her hips. Of course the problem was the picture they used was Katie Ledecky. Though now that Katie is once again demolishing her competition the cries of "She's a man!" have started. 

And as bad as it is for white women it's exponentially worse for women of color. Serena Williams has given birth and they still hound her. And honestly, you don't even have to be good at sports if you are woman of color, just look the Basket Full of Deplorables calling Michelle Obama a man for the past 16 years. 

If you don't fit into that petite little white box you must be wrong. 

Transphobia hurts everyone. 

These are the accusations that are going to keep happening as the world lets trans panic take hold. You lose a game? Accuse their star player of being male. If there is an invasive and frankly predatory genital check and whoops all vagina it doesn't matter, there is probably still too much testosterone and then she's actually a he.

Which is totally validating to trans men. If a blood test showing your testosterone level is in a certain range is all it takes to show you are a man then you have to admit that trans men are men. And if that's true then the opposite must be as well. Testosterone is lower and estrogen is higher then you are a woman and that's that. 

But no, it's never that's that. 

Hate doesn't like to follow logic.

And hate isn't easily contained. Once they start they don't like to stop. And eventually it will come to your door. 

Don't take the bait next time. Don't insert yourself into discussions where you don't actually know anything. And start with the position that if you are not that person you don't know anything. 

And just as a little reminder, you know someone who has taken testosterone blockers because their testosterone was not inline with normal readings. 

You think I'm talking about someone else? 

No, it's me. I'm talking about me. 

Keep it in mind. 

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