Friday, July 7, 2023

One Week In...

So how goes the diet?

I'm not enjoying it, that's for sure. So very much a diet. 

I've been pretty successful limiting my checking Facebook to the time around blog posting. I allow for a little browsing as I post, quick catch ups. I haven't been commenting on anything other than my blog page when I browse, just looking but I think I'll go back to commenting. It feels weird and stalkerish not to. But then again it's not really limiting my use if I am still active but just not posting statuses. So I don't know.

And the really funny part is that I'm thinking about adding Threads. I mean, I never said I wouldn't post on Threads right? 

Here's where my temptation is with that. I was one of the first wave of Twitter users. Brent had heard about it and thought it was right up my alley. Really short posts (this was when they were super limited in length) that I could just tell jokes on all day. One of my first followers was Stephen Colbert and, as Brent can attest to, a few of my jokes made it into his opening monolog. Which I was so excited about I didn't even have time to be pissed I wasn't getting credit. (to be fair it might have been parallel thinking with people in his writer's room but some of them were pretty uniquely my voice so we don't think so)

But there weren't a lot of people on. It was pretty slow. Not a lot happening. 

I stopped using the platform and by the time I decided to check back in it was a seething cesspool of random ickiness around every corner. 

I missed that sweet patch of time where it was really fun. Where there were enough people on to be engaging but not so many that it was toxic. 

Which seems to be the trajectory of most all social media. There is a sweet spot. Enough people to play with, not so many assholes it's not fun anymore. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, they all had their times. Now, from what people are saying, Threads is already there. Enough people signed up right away that it's fun and interactive, but the trolls are still hanging out on Twitter so it's sort of lovely. 

I don't think it will last long so I'm trying to decide if I install it, have fun while it lasts, then mourn it when it's over, or just know that it is already on the path to ruin and ignore it. 

But that is what I'm missing about Facebook. I'm missing the connections I have there. The friends I only see in that space. The things that always keep me from just deleting the app no matter how much the rest of it drives me crazy. I really like the people on my lists. I really am interested in what they are doing. And most of them aren't on Insta or even if they are they aren't that active there. So I don't see the pictures they post, or the jobs they are getting, or the people they are visiting, or the hard day they are having. 

As far as not drinking? No sweat. Brent made me a lovely faux bourbon drink for dinner last week, it's a non-alcoholic botanical blend that I bought a while ago when I discovered I couldn't drink bourbon anymore due to my joint issues. I had tried it when we got it and it was pretty tasty, but it's not been something I've worked into rotation and now I have the perfect excuse. At the soccer match I got a pineapple juice and ginger ale. Which was like a fun summer tropical drink. And it was exactly what I wanted for something different to drink while we all socialized.

So for sure not drinking is a much easier ask than not using Facebook. 

I'm just not sure which one is actually more unhealthy for me...

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