Sunday, July 30, 2023

July Themes...

I wanted to write today, we are traveling next weekend and to make my weekly numbers I need to write every day this week before we leave. Three nonfiction pieces and a fiction piece for the blog; and something to send to Dana since Sunday is my day and we will be gone. So the plan was to WRITE. 

A few hours ago I told Brent: "I'm going to go write now." then I said: "She announces confidently though she has no idea what she is going to write about." Which led to a quick discussion that I should write about sex because my, still to this day, most popular blog ever was my one stab at writing a story with sex in it. Apparently people just love to read about sex. 

But then I sat down at the computer and thought Oh I'll just send Jan my books read for July first. And then when I picked up my phone I saw Katie had called so I called her back. Then I saw a notification for a sale I wanted to look at. Then I got Dana's piece for our exchange and I wanted to read that right away. Then I finished the article I had open on my phone that I had put to the side when Brent and I went to do some yard work and...

Finally I was back to thinking about writing and I ideas. 

I decided to see what I had written on this day, or close to it in years past.

Apparently July 30 is kind of an ennui sort of time for me...I think it's that lead to August feeling. Another year on the planet and what have you done with your life sort of thing. So a lot of what are we doing here and what are we supposed to be doing and why the fuck are THEY doing that? And then there was also a good smattering of fiction, none of which I remembered at all, which was funny because I had JUST told Dana that I never remember my own stuff and here were the examples.

So I guess my July themes, I guess it's fine. 

What a depressing overarching theme. Though my guess is if I picked any random date and read the 14 blogs written on that date it would be similar. I spent a lot time in the early years sort of telling stories about my past. Then I started to dip into more and more politics. Then just life in general. And when I started posting the fiction those got threaded in. And of course a lot of my fiction is in similar themes. Not really uplifting stuff, a lot of things that lead you down the wrong path while you are reading. And of course that one really popular porn piece. 

And it's funny because I think of myself of a fairly optimistic person. I think of myself as being a little lighter than that. Kind of sunshine and swear words. But apparently I am storm clouds...and swear words. Or maybe the world is storm clouds and I'm out here trying to make sense of it all...with swear words.

Either way at least I got a blog out of it today. 

And I have most of you trying to remember what the name of the porn piece was so you could go read it again...

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