Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Remember yesterday when I wrote that Trump hadn't broken us yet?

Those were such hopeful times...

But wait, first off, let's talk about the good. I was wrong! Wrong! I love that I was wrong! I honestly thought that Georgia would be able to suppress enough votes and enough people would think it was too big of a hassle and enough Republicans would vote to keep the Senate red. BUT NO! It looks like, and it's not official yet, but it looks like both seats were won by Democrats. Holy smokes...Mitch McConnell is going to lose his Majority Leader able to block every single fucking thing power. Wow...

Now I am not naïve by any shot and I know he is still going to be able to make things much more difficult than we'd like, but this is actually huge. Democrats have all three branches of the government, at least for the next two years. There is a chance for some actual change to happen. I am so pleased.

Or, you know, I was. Right up to the part where the current President of the United States of America incited a crowd to storm the Capitol in a seditious act. 

What. The. Actual. Fuck?

I mean, we knew he was doing it. We all heard him tell the Proud Boys to Stand Back and Stand Down. We've seen his twitter feed for the past two months. He's been encouraging this uprising. He's been stroking his own ego with their praise. He's got them convinced that something has been STOLEN from them instead of them just losing. Because how in the world could he have lost? They never saw a single Biden voter in their boat parades or truck patrols or maskless rallies. So how could it be? 

Which makes me so crazy. I've talked about it before. When Trump won in 2016 we liberals were told we had to get out of our bubbles. That the reason why we were shocked was because we never took the time to get out of our echo chambers and see that other people didn't feel the same way. That somehow those 80K votes in Electoral College wins meant more than the 3M votes Clinton won the popular vote by. We needed to see them. 

When Biden won 7M more votes AND the Electoral College votes he needed suddenly it wasn't about the Republicans getting out of their bubbles and understanding that a lot of people think Trump is just awful. Oh no, it was I don't know anyone who voted for Biden so it must not have happened. 

And instead of accepting the loss, even if you don't think Clinton did it graciously enough, he claimed he didn't lose. And there was SO MUCH PROOF. They will tell you this over and over. SO MUCH PROOF. But when asked in the courts to show that proof they had nothing. Cruz decided that so many people think it was a rigged election that it really needed a commission to look into it, because so many people wouldn't believe something for no reason, right? No, so many people think it's rigged because you all keep telling them it was. That's why. It wasn't rigged. It wasn't fraudulent. Only legal votes were counted. The lower courts, fucking Bill Barr, all of the Republican led states where he lost, the Supreme Court, all of them came to the same conclusion. Trump lost. 

But Trump didn't agree.

So he told Cult45 that he didn't lose. That it was stolen. That those evil democrats in the deep state were at it again. That they needed to be stopped.

And they believed him.

He told them to come to Washington on January 6th and he'd see them there. Then he told them to march on the Capitol where the election was being certified. 

And they did. 

And right now they have stormed the Capitol. Our Federal representatives are in lock down. Do you think the ones who decided to play appease the toddler and protest the results feel any shame? Yeah, me either. 

I have no idea how bad it's going to get today. 

I have no idea how bad it's going to get over the next few years. 

I just know it's going to be bad. Worse than today. This was just the first big taste. 

So... for now we've got a republic, let's see if we can keep it. 

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