Sunday, January 31, 2021

And So We Come to the End....Of January.

So how did the Full Bore Goals January go? 

Not bad. 


Really well.

Just depends on how you look at it. 

Let's see, I did write a blog every day. So that's really good. I also did my public gratitude mostly daily, I did have one day I thought about posting it but didn't so I had to do it the next morning. But still counts. I also did the daily POD (I need to do today's to have it count as all 31 days but I'll get it done). So those things went really well. 

The Daily Calm thing was a not bad I guess. I did not do 31 days of following their prompts, or 31 days of daily meditation. Some of the prompts just didn't mean anything to me. And meditating is a thing that will get pushed off the list even with scheduled time for it, I discovered. I need to find someplace to do it that is quieter. Which you would think in a house our size with only two people living there would be easy. Tig and Tux would let you know that maybe not... They are not fans of meditation. Even if I started it while they were sleeping they would seem to know I wasn't supposed to be paying attention to them so they would get into things. Which is all excuses that I could manage if meditating were more enjoyable to me. I know that too. I'll probably keep working on it for February. 

Weight? Okay so...I lost my targeted amount early in the month. Then gained it back. And a little more. I actually ended up January, well up. About a half a pound. Which is bad enough but when you know that I LOST ALL OF THE GOAL WEIGHT first and then gained it all back plus that half pound? Super fucking frustrating. I will also say, that logically I know it's not that bad. Why? Because I also am taking measurements as any pro weight obsessive will tell you to do. And I lost circumference from my waist to my knees. And my body fat was 1% lower at the end of January than at the beginning so the weight I gained was actual muscle from the increased workouts over the past two months. So yes, logically I can tell you that it's not that big of a deal. But you all know that when it comes to weight the logic train does not pull into my it still really sucks.

I'm also behind by 3 books for my reading goal. I'm not really worried about that one. I was reading Obama's book to start the year and it was LONG and not a fast read so it slowed my pace a bit. But there will be plenty of fast reads in the year to make up for it. I've already read 4 books for the year and the first 19 days of it were just the Obama book so...I'm okay. I've finished another of the Discworld books and have the next one in the series queued up for February. Racing toward the end there. 

I haven't found any submission items yet, but I did write a couple fiction pieces so that made me happy. 

Buying fewer things from Amazon? Yeah, I think so. I have to figure out a way to track that that makes sense. I used them for four things in January. One was a donation to a charitable organization that had a wish list set up that would ship to them. The others were small things that I couldn't get shipped from someplace else and one item that their website directed back to Amazon to buy the product so... I also need to clarify that Kindle books aren't a thing I'm counting in my Amazon purchase slow down. And as Brent and I talked about, it's not a never shop from them, it's a shop less from them and make an effort to go direct when possible. So...yeah. I'll keep working on that. 

So January overall was decent. I'd give myself an A for a grade if I you caught me mid day, or a C+ if you caught me right after getting off the scale and realizing I hadn't meditated in two you know it's eh to good. 

Today I'll work on what I want to do with February. I'll probably write that out here tomorrow. Every blog counts, donchaknow? I'm thinking about tweaking my scheduled time, I will probably shift some of that around now that I've spent a month seeing what works and what doesn't. I know we are going to do the inflammation test diet so that will be worked in there. I'm not sure about POD or Daily Gratitude. Weight and writing and reading were set at the beginning of the year so those will just be still worked toward. I'll probably try to get better about meditating as well. And also starting to work on flexibility. 

OH! And one last one! 

I was successful in not doing dry January.  Whew...

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