Saturday, January 9, 2021

Weekend Schmeekend....

Remember in the before times when weekends were really different than weekdays? Weird right?

I mean, it's still different. Brent works from home during the week and doesn't on the weekend. Much. He checks in a couple of times and if there is a meeting with one of the divisions in another country sometimes he has to work on Sunday evening. But for the most part he doesn't work. I don't make breakfast, usually, he goes and picks something up, or like today we went downtown together and grabbed something. We try and get a movie in, or some sports event if there is one. 

Not going to one, don't be silly, but heading down to the basement and watching one. 

But we are still mostly at home. Just in different rooms than during the week. And there are still the basics that need taken care of. The cats need to be fed, the litter box needs to be cleaned, the floors need to be swept. Right now I need to write. And the mopping I mentioned from yesterday. And I need to do meal planning for next week. And look at my schedule planning and see what needs to be tweaked and...

It's weird. 

Time has just sort of become a thing

Which it was always a thing, right? Time is a construct. It doesn't actually mean anything...

But at least in the before times we pretended that it did. 

Now we are really seeing that it doesn't. It never did. We say this is the week and we do weekday things. This is the weekend and now we do weekend things. But we don't do anything really different's the weekdayend.

Now it sounds a little like I'm complaining, but I'm not. It's weird. It's actually taking longer to get used to than I would have thought (though I have a theory on that I'll come back to). But I don't really mind it. Not really. I miss some things that I think of as weekend things, but that's because I miss them. Because we aren't able to do them anymore. I miss some of my routines and yearly patterns.

If it's January I should be going to hockey games and looking at what the second half of the year is going to be like for the Winterhawks. Did we do any trades that show we are thinking about a big push into the playoffs or are we looking like it's a rebuilding time? Last year was a beginning to build year and this year should have been a really strong one. Junior hockey ebbs and flows because of the ages and aging out of players. This year would have had a really strong older team. I'm sorry to miss what would have been an exciting season. 

I also should be starting to look forward to a Hawaii trip. We generally go in February. Sometimes as late as March. But usually February. Last year we did Disneyworld instead but I had no idea we would do nothing this year. And I really hadn't realized how quickly that yearly trip had become something I took for granted. Now I have no idea when we will get back there. Not just because of the virus but because we have two kittens who have spent ZERO days alone. And I think maybe 3 1/2 hours alone in one stretch is their record. We made them very social. Now we can't really see leaving them alone with just someone checking in a couple times a day so...

But, still, I'm not complaining. It's just different. And it's taking awhile to get used to. Because we keep thinking that it's going to be over soon. Even knowing it was never going to be quick. I mean when it all started up last spring I kept saying, this is going to be at least a year, maybe more. But saying it and believing it are two different things. And having other people keep saying, oh a few weeks of lockdown and it will be fine, oh if everyone wears their masks it will be fine (which maybe it would have been but we'll never know about that one), oh the vaccines are out now so it will be fine...Part of you starts to think, maybe it will be fine sooner than I think?

So you start to think about the before times and what parts of that you are going to bring back and then it makes the now times seem not real. 

So it's hard to adjust. 

And we end up with weekdayends. 

They are different than weekdays, but not as much. Weekdays are different than weekends, but not as much. We are making the now times look a little like the before times but just not as much. 

And I still wonder what the next times are going to look like. 

Check with me next year and see how weird I think it is that Brent actually goes in to an office to work...


But for now I need to do a few chores before the Michigan Hockey game starts, it's the weekdayend after all...

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