Sunday, January 24, 2021

One More To Go...

One more week left in January. One more what should I write about Sunday blogs. 

*checks calendar*

Oh wait...this month ends on a Sunday. I have two more Sunday blogs to go. 

Dang it. 

Don't you hate it when you think you are almost done and then realize you've missed an important item or you just have more to do that you forgot about?

It happens to me All. The. Time. 

Like thinking, hey! I'm almost done for the day. I only have to scoop the litter, run the sweeper, change the laundry around, start dinner, meditate, clean the downstairs bathroom...well hell. That's not anywhere close to almost done. 

A week ago I was already at my goal weight loss for the month. Boom! Done! Anything else is bonus! I lost another pound, this is great! Then I gained over five pounds in two days. What? How? Are you kidding me? So I've been losing that, again. Now I'm a week out until the end of the month and back at what I was at the beginning of the month, like I hadn't done anything at all. 

We see the light at the end of the tunnel and almost get waylaid by the train. 

It's probably a good life lesson about living by schedules and check lists, but I've tried not doing that and well... *gestures* 2020.

So what do we do when we realize that we aren't anywhere close to the end like we thought? What do we do when we think we've made so much progress and yet the goalposts are still not in sight? 

We just keep going. 

Brent and I were talking about this with the current political situation. There are so many things that need done. So many goals the Democrats would like to reach. And there are two years with micro thin majorities to get them done. It's not going to happen. There are too many things. It's too much. But what can happen is we can keep moving toward them. We can set our sights on the horizon and go.

And we need to. If the Biden administration can't move the needle, if the Republicans are able to Republican them with nothing but obstruction then at midterms they are lost. And we are lost. 

There is no benefit to a Republican in a well functioning, effective government. They will do what they can to make sure it stays that way. So they can continue to redistribute the wealth up the chain. So they can keep pointing to how ineffectual the government is, how broken the system is, so they can stay in power to break it more. To make more opportunities for a small handful to keep doing well. We are on the knife edge right now. 

I just want to move forward. I want there to be progress. I'm a progressive, after all. I want there to be movement toward a system that is for the people. 

There is a lot left on that to do list, and it keeps getting longer as we think about it. 

So we need to keep going.

Last Wednesday wasn't an end point. It was the chance at a new start. 

Fingers crossed we take it and go!

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