Wednesday, January 27, 2021


The first Wednesday was Insurrection.

Then we had Impeachment.

Then last Wednesday was Inauguration.

What will it be today? 

Inspiration? Inoculation? Innovation?

I mean we've got a Wednesday "I" theme going. Seems a shame to let it go now. 

Unless it's a bad "I", though that would be fine, I guess. I mean a good "I" would be better. But any "I" would bring completion to the pattern. And we all love a good pattern. I'm just afraid that the "I" that will fit will be Ignorance.

And only because you can pick any day right now and that could be the theme. 

Willful or otherwise. 

Willful ignorance is one of my greatest pet peeves. It's right there with Intellectual Dishonesty. They hold hands and skip down the path to Douchelandia.

And it's so frustrating because you are never entirely sure if someone is doing it on purpose or if they are just stupid. 

But most of the time you can tell by how they argue. How they move goal posts. How they switch sides if the politics change. Inconsistency. That's almost always your first sign. That and those fake drop the mic moments. The ones where you know they were holding a comment back to drop it in the argument as their BIG MOMENT. BOOM! Gotcha! And often those moments don't actually fit the argument. They don't actually make sense. But they are good markers for you to recognize what is happening. Willful ignorance. Don't spend another moment trying to have a discussion with them. It's not worth it.

You see it around the virus right now. But they told us before that 15 days would flatten the curve and here we are it's like they don't even know what they are doing. They said schools had to close, now they are saying that there isn't much spread in the schools that are open. It's like they don't even know... Now they want us to wear two masks? But before they said we didn't even have to wear one. It's like they don't even know....

No, you dumb fucks, it's not like they don't even know, it's like that's how science works. You keep getting new information and changing what you are doing based on that. 

It's called the Novel Coronavirus. Novel means it's new. It means that we will continue to get new information about the best ways to prevent the spread, to treat the disease when you catch it, to deal with the mutations that are already happening as well as the ones that will come. 

Science is like that. It changes with new information. It's like they don't even know everything there is to know and will continue to learn new things. Stop being willfully ignorant because you don't want to make any changes in your life. Just admit you're spoiled and selfish and move the fuck along. 

Maybe the "I" for me is Insomnia? Leading to Irritability? The other "I" days were more universal though so I'll still hold out for something better...

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