Sunday, January 10, 2021


Trying to think of what to write about today and I'm sort of stumped. 

I just got off the phone with Christopher and we talked about the past week and both agreed it's hard to really focus on much else with the insurrection and all...

And that's really it. My mind keeps going in circles about that. About how it was the least shocking surprise ever. One of the memes I saw was the Anchorman one with the "Well that escalated steadily over four years." I also have my On This Day posts from four years ago as we were headed into the Trump presidency and how worried I was. How worried those who view the world like I do were. And a lot of it is worry about what happened. Not exactly, I mean I don't think anybody envisioned the guy in the horned hat with no shirt on...but the end of democracy? The belief that Trump would decide he should be President for Life? Those things were talked about.

And dismissed as too far fetched. 

By Republicans who assured us all that they were just in it for the money and isn't that just fine and dandy?

And by Democrats who assured us all that the institutions were too strong. That he would never get away with (fill in the blank with any number of things he did get away with) because Love of Country would will out. 

Yeah. No. 

Love of self almost always seems to will out. 

Brent and I were talking about that yesterday. Not in relation to the attempted coup but in relation to the virus. The fact that we couldn't get society to act like a society. There is not enough we out there anymore. It's all me. I don't want to. How dare you even suggest that I consider other people? Me. Me. Me. 

Then they try and couch it in we by saying things like we need to save the small businesses! Well, guess what? If we had all been careful and worn our masks and socially distanced at most times we probably would have saved a lot more of them. And, oh you know, the people who have fucking died. Sitting right now at 373,00+ Can you even imagine if a few years ago you were asked, if it was possible to save a life by wearing a small cloth mask would you? People would be like, are you fucking serious? I could save a life by wearing a mask? Hell yeah I would. Who wouldn't?

Well now we know. The potential to save lives is not nearly as compelling of a reason as we would have thought. Now it's, yeah, but I wouldn't know for sure I had saved a life but I would know for sure that I did something someone else SAID I should do so, no, I think I'll pass. 

And wearing masks and keeping distance wouldn't have saved everyone. I know that. I also know it's impossible to prove a counterfactual. But we do know in countries that have taken it more seriously the rate of infection has been lower. The percentage of the population that has caught the virus and the percentage that has died has been lower. 

There isn't a lot of we or actual society in our society right now. Instead of We the People it's more like Me the Person. 

So yeah, trying to think of what to write about today and I'm a little stumped. 

Insurrections will do that...

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