Monday, February 1, 2021

More of the Same Plus!

Okay, so what am I going to do in February to work toward goals or add new goals?

I'm going to go ahead and carry on with POD and Daily Gratitude for another month. Those are both really hard for me to give up once I get going with them, so I might have committed myself to a year by accident, we will see. 

The Daily Calm/meditation piece I decided to look at hitting 20 days this month instead of trying to force it daily. Hopefully that works out for me. It's not my favorite thing that I do so it's very easy to push it off, I'm hoping that I didn't just give myself permission to skip even more. We will see...

I mentioned that we are going to try the inflammation elimination diet that I had planned on doing LAST year when we got back from Disney World but...Covid. But that starts next week. It's 10 days of no meat, no dairy, no added sugar and no bread. We will see if it makes any sort of difference. My joints have been SCREAMING at me lately and if this works then I will be thrilled. Unless it turns out it's dairy and bread that trigger the pain then I will be really bummed. But the first step is the elimination part then I'll start adding in the missing pieces one at a time. It will be interesting to see if it makes any sort of a difference and interesting to see if we do have food triggers if they are the same ones. 

My stretch goal this month is working on my flexibility. Hahahahahaha!! Get it? Stretch goal? Oh funny. Okay, maybe just me... But I am working on it. I am not measuring it very closely this month. Basically just starting out trying to loosen everything back up before I really push the gains. 

The writing, reading, fiction and submissions are set for the year so I am just working toward those end numbers. I won't write a blog every day, I worked out that I need to write 13 a month to hit my numbers so most weekdays with weekend makeups if I need them and I'm good. Which is nice. That frees up either Saturday or Sunday to not have to think about putting something out. Which should be a relief for you all.

The scheduled time that I started last month I shifted just a little. I turned a few of the particular times into merged time blocks with other things. Like (and I'm just putting all of this down and I don't really expect you to find any of it interesting, so that's okay) last month I had from 8-9:30 as a time for chores and 9:30-11:30 for working out, cooldown and showering. This month it's 8-11:30 for all of that. If I workout at 8 or still at 9:30 then that's just fine in the schedule. The reason for the shift was last month I would have my smoothie after my workout, and if I had it at 11:30 it counted as lunch. This month I will be doing that elimination diet which means that my smoothie does not make the cut and I will need to actually make lunch. And make lunch for me and for Brent so I need to shift the workout earlier to leave time for making lunch. See? So much more information about my life than you need. But the scheduled time seems to be working out. It gives me a frame for the day and also kind of gives Brent a heads up on what I'm doing when as well. 

Chores themselves are shifting days a bit. Trying to make sure I hit each room of the house at least once a week for cleaning. With running the sweeper on the main floor daily. Two cats with wooden floors makes that pretty much a need to (for me). And then I have a monthly list that runs along with weekly chores, like once a month I wash the filters in the vacuum and the sweeper, clean the fans, run vinegar through the coffee machine and things like that. And another list on top of that of special project type things that aren't monthly but do need done a few times a year and I pick up those and add them as a fit them in thing. This month it's tidying my pantry and shelves. 

I know, you are all really shocked that I live such a rock and roll lifestyle. Though, honestly, if you've known me for any length of time you already knew I did these sorts of things. I'm just really grateful that I have time to do them without having a full time outside job and a small child to raise. Because when I had those things I still WANTED to get these things done and would get super frustrated when there weren't enough hours in the day to do them. I'm glad to be past those years and wish I had had more grace with myself while I was in them. 

So anyway...

February is started. We will see how it goes!

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