Sunday, April 2, 2023


Brent and I walked all through the house today making a list of things for when I walk through the house tomorrow with Steven from Pahlish to do the final warranty work. 

It's crazy how messy a house can get in a year.  

It's crazy how messy MY house is. 

I've given up trying to keep everything perfectly clean and it shows. But now I'm freaking out a little at how much I've let go. I expect to be deep cleaning for the next week. 

And then I will look around and see that it didn't stay clean.

It's impossible with two cats and two long haired people to keep things perfectly clean. The hair from the four of us settles on everything. The dust from three litter boxes is another issue. The little cat footprints on every single surface of the house are never gone for long. 

See as soon as I clean something off they have to inspect it. Drives me crazy. They literally follow me as I mop and walk over the damp floor leaving a trail the whole way. 

But I can see part of April will be getting back on a deep clean schedule. Aside from the things I clean daily or weekly I will be adding in some extra things to keep the house looking good. 

At least until I get frustrated and give up again. 

The really silly thing is Brent has suggested hiring a cleaning person for ages. Because I hate to clean. (some of you are like whaaa?) I do it a lot because I hate having a dirty house as well. But I don't get joy out of cleaning. I do like that often when I clean and get bored my mind wanders and I get some decent story ideas. But cleaning itself just sucks. Because it's never ending. There's never a point where it's all finally clean and you don't have to do anymore. As soon as it's done it's already getting messy again. 

But I don't want to get a cleaning person because I would feel so lazy. Brent works crazy amounts of hours (less crazy this year, thankfully) but still. He works and brings in our only income. I take care of the house. That was the deal when I first cut back my hours, then to fully retired. I would handle all of the household things, he would work for the money. It's a good deal. So if I hire a cleaning person I feel like I've reneged on my end of the deal. Even though he's fine with a renegotiation of terms. 

And it seems like a hassle. Trying to keep the cats out of the way of the cleaning crew. Trying to make sure that they don't come when Brent is working from home. Trying to figure out what to do while they are here cleaning, I mean, how weird to watch someone else clean your house.

So I clean. And I hate it. And I let things slide. Then I notice the dusty baseboards and the cat prints on the window ledges and I think...oh it's just so messy!

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to...

No not clean, don't be silly...

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