Friday, April 21, 2023


I just wrote a short story for the blog. But I'm not going to publish it until Sunday at the earliest. I've already got a fiction piece up for this week so it will wait. I could have done it as a bonus piece and normally that's what I would have done, but next week I'm going to have workers in the house almost every day so odds are I won't have time to sit down and write a story. Now I don't have to worry about that. 

We've been in the house for a year. Can you believe it? 

So right now we are getting all of the warranty work done that they will cover from the first year. Including settling cracks, nail pops, those sorts of things. Lots of drywall work coming up next week. Should be fun days trying to herd the cats from room to room. don't get too excited because it hasn't ACTUALLY happened yet...I should be getting my extra cabinets in the dining room on Tuesday. Only took a year, but look at them go! Now let's all keep our fingers crossed that we actually like them and don't regret it immediately! 

Once all the warranty work is done and the cabinets are in I will for sure get the rest of the house unpacked and finished. Get the artwork on the walls and some shelves to display all of the things I still have in cabinets or boxed up. I mean, for sure that will happen.

Oh and the rugs for the doors and hallways. I mean, that will happen too. I will get it all taken care of because I'm on top of it. 

Isn't it weird? I mean, I pre-wrote a short story for next week so I wouldn't be behind but I still haven't unpacked all of the house. So when I say it I clearly mean me. Aren't I weird? I get these little "have to" things stuck in my head and completely ignore other things. 

Sure, now, I can say part of it is because the things I need to do to finish the house involve shopping, buying, measuring, seeing if Brent likes them too. Writing just involves me saying, Oh I find this fun or interesting or creepy and writing it down. Hoping that someone else will find it interesting or creepy or fun but honestly that's secondary. But still...

And right now I'm thinking this isn't going to be a long piece but that's okay because I've already hit the required number for my made up goal for the week. 

In a way it's a good thing. I've wanted to make writing the priority for a long time. And I've done it. I mean that's what I'm telling myself anyway. 

Okay, I'm off. Concrete people are coming to fix a crack in the sidewalk and I need to run some errands before the weekend. 

You should be excited about Sunday, it's a fun little piece inspired by the fact that one of the errands I need to run today involves taking the Max downtown...

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