Sunday, April 16, 2023


After I posted yesterday's blog the person I was talking about reached out to me. I'm not sure if they read the blog on stealth or if they actually noticed that I'd unfriended them. Most of the time people don't notice right away so I was surprised to get a message.

They apologized for any offense and took down the original post. 

I appreciate that they took it down. The fewer things like that in the world the better. 

I'm ready for a place in time where people think about what is offensive before they post. Before they say things. Before it's out in the world. 

And I know right now there are a few people getting ready to shout HEY! because I often post things that are pretty darn offensive to a section of people. 

But understand this, most of the time when I do that I know full well it's offensive. I have thought about it. And I want you to be offended. I want it to bug you. I want it to lodge in your brain and work on your subconscious. Why are you offended when I post about republicans wanting to do whatever horrific thing they are doing at that moment? Usually I get some sort of #NotAllRepublicans. Which means you still identify as a republican and don't want to identify with that part of it. But guess what? You own that shit.

I want you to be offended. Because I want you to pay attention to what your party is doing. What they are and are not voting for. Who they are villainizing. I want it to bug the shit out of you until you do something about it. 

I cannot cut the rot out of a political party I am not a part of. And I have not been a part of that party since I understood that fiscally conservative and socially liberal is nothing but a bullshit slogan. You cannot agree that people should all be treated equally but be willing to put that aside so you pay less in taxes and still consider yourself a decent human being. You just can't. And I know you are offended by that, and I. Want. You. To. Be.

I want things to bug you to the point where you are no longer comfortable ignoring them. 

I want you to have a daily reminder that you love queer people. Lots of them. Of all of the letters. And that you cannot love them and vote for people who hate them. 

I want you to feel uncomfortable when you look at my face and know you've said, "Well but trans women aren't really...." I want it to burn in your heart when you hear my name and know that somebody said that LGBTQIA+ people shouldn't really be allowed to be around kids. I want it be uncomfortable for you when you see I've posted something after a school lunch program is cut and know that there are kids in ONE OF THE RICHEST COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD WHO ARE STARVING. I want you to think of me and my face doing that my face thing when you are more concerned with if someone might not be sober instead of if they are living on the street under a tarp. Housing first is what works. Not housing but only if you meet the following checklist.

I want my existence to be a constant reminder to you that if you aren't trying, you are failing. If you aren't trying to be a better human, if you aren't trying to make sure that equality is the goal, if you aren't voting for people who share those values, if you aren't being a decent fucking person then you are failing at being a decent fucking person and I want you to hear that in my voice.

I want you to be uncomfortable. 

Until you change. 

Then I want my presence in your life to bring you nothing but joy. I want you to think of the fact that I give the world's best hugs. Even non-huggers will tell you that they accept hugs from me when offered. Because I want my hug to convey how very much you are loved. How much you are appreciated. How glad I am that you are in not just my life but out there in the world making it a better place. 

I want all of us working toward that. And when we are I will be your biggest cheerleader. I will help you in your fundraisers. I will spread your message as far as I can. I will help you help others. 

Or I will be an uncomfortable reminder.

And I'm doing it on purpose. 

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