Friday, March 31, 2023

Time Marches On!

And so we come to the end of another month. 

Numbers were good again. Did skip two workouts this month. One last Friday when we were in the emergency room all morning and one this Wednesday when my give a fuck gave up for the day. Sometimes it happens. But good overall. 

I had switched things up, did weights three days a week, lower body Monday, upper body Wednesday, mixed on Friday. Did cardio five days a week. Short session after weights M,W, F with longer stand alone sessions on Tuesday and Thursday. I'm going to be switching it up again next month, as is my way, but not sure just exactly how yet. That's a project for this weekend. 

Hit my writing numbers. Barely. I used one of the extra pieces I've been writing for the exchange with Dana one week and I literally forced out a story yesterday based on the first thing I noticed in the room. My cold hands. But to be fair I was always planning on using the Dana pieces at some point. I hadn't planned on starting that this early, but I really loved that story and couldn't wait to share it. It's rare that I love one of my own pieces for more than a day after I write it. Until a few years later when I stumble across it and have forgotten enough of it that I am surprised by how good it is. (I'm kidding, but only slightly, I write so fast that I forget what I've written all the time.)

Even with the challenge on the fiction, which it's SUPPOSED to be a challenge, I'm sticking with the at least 3 nonfiction and one fiction piece a week with an extra fiction piece to Dana. If for no other reason than to keep her writing as well. There are things I fully believe in this world and one of them is that it would be a crying shame if Dana stopped writing. Seriously, folks, she's REALLY good at it. For those of you who have been reading my blog long enough to remember a few years ago when we cross posted pieces we wrote off the same prompt you'll be doing the amen nod right about now. 

I read a majority of nonfiction this month sort of by accident. I had the standard auto/biography/memoir (All about ME! by Mel Brooks) and self help book (The Fifth Agreement) but the Fantastic Stranglings was also a memoir (it was nonfictionish, sort of an enhanced reality for him, very entertaining) Once Upon a Tome: The Misadventures of a Rare Bookseller. And there has been a little spring challenge going with Kindle and for March to get my reward I needed to read a book by a female author on their list and I happened to have The Secret History of Wonder Woman already owned so it would check off the read more books off my Kindle as well. So four out of 6 books were nonfiction. Not standard for me. And three were off my Kindle so that's good in that area as well.

Debating the Picture of the Day list. Not sure if I'm doing it this month yet or not. Sticking with Selfie Saturday. Even if sometimes I have to get creative like last Saturday when I didn't think Brent would really appreciate a camera in his face. I think I made it work. 

Extra things will be the house still. Got the re-inspection done and Monday we do the end of first year walkthrough. Then there will be some things that need done and hopefully I'm finally getting my extra cabinets installed. After all of that I'll be looking at FINALLY finishing the unpacking and getting some art on the walls. 

We also need to look into a cat/house sitter who will stay here so we can think about taking a vacation. Apparently Brent's gut feeling is that he could use one...

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