Monday, April 10, 2023

Style Icon!

First things first, I feel fine today. No fever and the ick feeling that went with it is also gone. Thank you everyone for the well wishes.

Now on to today!

I have been trying to change up my style this past year or so. I'm so tired of trying to find pants that fit that I've decided to just not wear them very often. And since it's a little rainy and cold around here to go pantless I've turned to skirts and dresses. They are much easier to fit my particular body style. 

I've also started wearing tights again. Like a little kid. Though I wore tights when I worked in advertising as well. I wore skirt suits, boots, and tights for client meetings. My own uniform. I have a favorite tights company and they put out really cute patterns as well as nice solid colors. Which is an issue. They aren't super expensive per pair so it's an issue I have an easy time talking myself around. Though Brent has started to audibly roll his eyes when he sees a new Snag charge come through. 

Part of finding and redefining what I wear most of the time has meant I've bought some things that I like okay. Just okay. And as I've filled in more of my wardrobe with things I like better I have an abundance of clothes. Which bothers me on a few fronts. One, I hate anytime it looks like I'm hoarding and two, I designed our closet with a certain amount and style of clothing in mind. By switching to dresses I'm already pushing into issues but by having SO MANY dresses now it's a bigger one. 

So I'm going to try selling some pieces on Vinted. Have you ever done that? It's a kind of second hand clothing store online and direct buyer to seller. There are some protections in place for both sides so you don't end up just completely screwed over. I'm hoping it will motivate me to clear out a few things and also not make me feel badly about sending barely worn things off to Goodwill. 

The challenge I can see with it is that I learned about Vinted from a Facebook group I'm in where people post pictures of outfits they have put together with their Snag tights. Some really cute things there. So I'm a little worried that I will sell a handful of pieces then just turn around and buy more. I mean not like SUPER worried, but a little concerned considering I want to make room not just swapsies.

And this is a weird space to be in. I have not had an abundance of clothes since I worked retail. I really don't like shopping. Take today, for instance, I bought a few things online from Nordstrom Rack a few weeks ago. Today I was returning the things that didn't fit. Since I was there I decided to look around the store and see if there was anything there that looked good. Specifically I'm looking for some cardigans that are fitted at the hip/waist instead of the loose boxy drape that seems to be in style right now. I used to have a lot of them but wore them all out over the years and haven't been able to replace them as styles have shifted.

ANYWAY...since I had just bought stuff from The Rack online shopping in the store should be a piece of cake right? Nope. So overwhelming. There is just So.Much.Stuff. And people are crowding into your space to snatch at things that you might get to first even though trust me that is not my style and you could have waited a few extra beats before swooping in... I just don't like shopping. 

But buying online? That's easy. Buy, try on, return. Or keep. Which I've been keeping a few things lately. Stitch Fix has me almost dialed now. Out of the five things they send a month 2-3 are usually things I like. Then it's just a matter of deciding if I like them enough. And at the beginning when I had only a few things there were things I kept that I wouldn't keep now. 

Thus the need to sell things on Vinted to make room in my closet. And in my psyche. 

I'm also open to bets on how long it is before I hit full freak out and stop buying ANYTHING AT ALL. Because that could very well happen. 

I'm not really good at balance. 

But at least I'll look really cute while I figure it out. 

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