Thursday, July 16, 2020

Not As Bad As Feared...

I had my annual exam today. I had been dreading it. I know my weight is up. I know my habits have changed for the worse. I know all of these things and I also know I'm not changing them right now. So I was not looking forward to a person in a position of authority telling me all of those things and me responding with a whiny yeah but I don't wanna....

But I have a really good doctor, a whole health physician, so I shouldn't have worried. Yes, my weight is up, but it's only up two pounds over last year so that's not that bad (I know that it's "more" than that since my muscle to fat ratio is to the worse but still, she wasn't too upset). And my pulse rate and blood pressure are still in the holy cow this is amazing for a woman your....well...let's just say this is really good range. And yeah, let's go ahead and do a blood panel since your diet has changed this year, just to make sure everything is fine. And yes, your drinking has gone up but you are still in the not much range so just keep an eye on it and make sure it's not an issue or causing you any problems. But you're fine.


She also was very much in agreement that right now I'm doing what I need to do for my mental health. So if that means my diet is a little wonky then my diet is a little wonky. Just don't go too far and know that when I am ready to lose the weight it's going to take longer than I want. Which has always been the case, it's just even more amplified now.

Oh...and the last part was that I shouldn't get my hopes up too high that I'm fully in menopause. Even though I haven't had a period in six months. RIGHT??? That's been one of the highlights of the year. Sure, granted, it's been a fairly lousy year but still! And, no, it doesn't come close to going to Disney World so it's not THE highlight of the year, but I'm super stoked and hopeful that this is it.

But overall a good check-up.

My blood pressure and pulse are excellent.

She measured my oxygen saturation and it was the same as it was last year, even though this year I was wearing a mask. It's almost like all of those people whining about masks and oxygen are full of shit.

She's not worried about my new dependence on baked goods though there will be consequences.

She's not overly worried about my uptick from once or twice a week to three or four times a week having a drink.

We will see how my blood work looks when those results come back.

She didn't let me off the hook for a mammogram so I have to get that scheduled. (I am good about getting them done, but they shift the recommendations around so much I wasn't sure if I needed it yearly or not, she would rather I had it done this year since my hormones are in a state of flux, so I will get it done. That's why we have doctors, if you don't trust your doctor's recommendation you should find a new doctor)

I was worried and she was lovely. I'm really grateful for that. She also agreed that it's been one hell of a year, not just for me, for everyone, and that we all need to pay attention to our mental health along with our physical.

So from me to you: make sure you are taking care of yourself. Make sure you are staying healthy. Make sure you are eating mostly good for you foods. Make sure you are getting some exercise. Make sure you are talking to friends. Make sure you are reading good books (if reading books is a thing you do, and I hope it is!). Make sure you are taking time out for you. Whatever that means for you. Make sure you are doing something every week ( AT LEAST!) that is for you. That soothes your soul. That brings you peace. We are in this for a while longer for sure so we need to make sure we are healthy when it's all over.

Wear your damn mask
Wash your goddamn hands
Keep your fucking distance

Because I love you and want you to be healthy.

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