Monday, July 13, 2020


So there is this thing that happens when you are facing a constant onslaught of disaster. You reach a point where you just don't want to deal with it anymore. Disaster fatigue. It's an actual thing.

Volunteer organizations see it when we have things like one really bad hurricane after another. The first one gets a HUGE outpouring of volunteers to help, and a lot of donations. Tons of press and compassion. The next one gets some but less. Then if there is another and another you see drop off each time. People just are tired of dealing with it. It doesn't make the disaster any less disastrous. It just makes the response muted.

It's normal.

And right now we are seeing a lot of people suffering from disaster fatigue. We are tired of the Corona virus and Covid 19. We are tired of being told that more people are dying and that we have to keep doing the right things; wear your fucking mask, wash your hands, keep your distance.

Even people who know better are starting to cut corners. Or want to at least. Hell Brent and I keep thinking how bad could the gym actually be. And we know good and well how bad bad can be.

And then you add that to people who have never taken this seriously and you are getting a situation that is just going to get so much worse than it already is.

Because it's just going to spread more. Because people aren't going to keep doing the hard stuff. Because if you are already feeling a bit of the fatigue and you keep seeing your friends posting about their BBQs, or their vacations, or their parties and they don't seem worried than why should you be? I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Well... death. That's the worst.

Yours or someone you infect.

That's pretty bad.

There's also the permanent health issues that some of the people who didn't die are facing. They are seeing lung damage and nerve damage. There seems to be a blood thickening issue in some people which leads to an increased risk of strokes.

It's still a really bad virus. No matter how tired of hearing about it you are.

It doesn't matter if we are tired of it. And I so get it, we are so tired of it. But it's still there. It's still contagious. It's still killing people. And it's going to be months yet before it's under control. Vaccine if we are lucky (I think we won't get one until next Spring if we are lucky) or reaching the point where we have herd immunity (which we really don't want to strive for in the infection rate sense, 94% of us would have to be immune which is a lot of people getting sick and a lot of people dying before we reach that number) or we've contained it and it's faded away (the New Zealand model which, let's face it, is so not going to happen here) or...well what's left?

Wear your mask
Wash your hands
Stay distanced from people

I know. It sucks.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to cancel my gym membership...

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