Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Writing Process Stuff...

"I'm pretty sure I could have slept with him."  J

"You're pretty sure you could have slept with anyone." L

"No, but seriously, I'm pretty sure I could have." J

"Who are you two talking about?" M

"Do you remember the Petersons?" L

"I think so. Didn't Janie used to babysit for them our freshman year in college?" M

"Yep, those are the ones. They are getting divorced. Seems Mr. Peterson cheated." L

"Oh that's too bad." M

"No like, cheated. A lot. Like there are stories coming out now about how much he cheated." L

"Oh, wow. That's really too bad. Wait. So, Janey, you are saying you are pretty sure you could have slept with a serial philanderer?" M

"When I would sit for them he was always just a little flirtatious right?" J

"Creepy." L

"Okay, yeah, it was a little creepy I guess looking back. But at the time it made me feel sort of grown up. Like finally an adult because this man was flirting with me so I must be flirt worthy." J

"Old men flirting with young women isn't especially unique or odd." M

"Maybe not. But it was the first time it happened to me. But I was never really sure he was being flirtatious. Like maybe he was just being nice. He wasn't some boy in school, this was a grown, adult, dad." J

"Who apparently slept around. With a lot of people." L

"Okay, sure. But still. He flirted with me. I probably could have slept with him." J

"Are you like disappointed here? Is that what this is? Like you missed your shot? Because it sounds like you still could. And now with the bonus of him not being married and you being able to drink first." M

AND end...

That conversation was in my head as I went to bed last night. Janie has a name, the other two don't. And it doesn't really flow just yet. Or at all. But it was a conversation with other people and I am taking that as a win. And I wrote it down as encouragement to the rest of my bar people to show up and start talking. And to maybe straighten out what Janie really wants to talk about.

But I'm taking it for a win.


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