Friday, January 12, 2024

Updates and Restarts...

Today's blog will be just what the title promised. Some updates and a restart for me after taking a week (basically) off from writing anything. 

I wrote out a section on the piece I've been sending to Dana and I realized as I was part way through that I hated it. I need it. There is something in there that I want, but I'm realizing that one of the characters hasn't gotten the development on the page that she has in my head. So I need to rework or add more in earlier and then rework that whole section. It was so frustrating to me in the moment I just walked away hoping it would start sorting itself out. 

And then I didn't come back. 

Until yesterday I was thinking about it and realized I hadn't written anything for the blog since Saturday. Eek!

So here are the updates.

The potential storm system from last week looks like it might actually be a thing, but then again it might not. But it's enough of a concern that instead of going to visit Otto while his people are away Otto came to stay here. We get ice storms as well as snow. And sometimes we get the great ice sandwich, or snow sandwich, where you get a layer of ice, then snow then ice, or snow then ice then snow. Any of those are horrible for driving. And also horrible for the power grid. Ice is heavy and makes the trees really brittle. And since we refuse to figure out how to bury our power lines the branches fall into them and KABLOOIE! no power. 

We have battery backup here. And are here so we would be aware right away if there was an issue. It's just safer to have him here. Even if he might not be thrilled being in one room in a strange house with some nosey fuckers messing with his door all the time. 

The hope is that they start to maybe interact nicely through the door and then we can introduce them and have them hang out. Fingers crossed. But for now he's pretty content hiding under the bed and coming out for snugs when I go in to visit with him. 

I also rescheduled our hair appointments and luckily Sara had a spot she could slot us in next Saturday so it won't be too terrible. I mean, it's terrible, don't get me wrong. I have a whole line of roots showing and for Brent it's been 10 weeks since he's had his touched up so he's really ready. But I still feel like we were really lucky to get in with just a week extra to go. And now we all get to sleep in in the morning instead of worry about what the weather looks like right away. 

Katie was up looking at houses last time I wrote. She came back with the good news that my taste doesn't completely suck. The places I told her I thought were too small were too small. The place I thought needed too much work for her comfort needed too much work for her comfort. The place I thought was the best for the price she thought was best for the price and the two others that I thought were nice and would be good choices but had some issues she felt the same about. She was awfully cute trying not to insult me by saying she felt she needed to see them to see if she agreed. I agreed with her that she needed to see if we lined up so she felt better that she didn't make me feel badly about not just taking my word for things. And then really relieved when I told her if she hadn't made the call to come look herself I would have insisted on it. No way am I comfortable making a decision like that for her.

After touring houses with Patty on Saturday they went back to Bend and thought about it for a bit then she made an offer on the one that I thought was best for the value. They accepted and so she's on the road to homeownership. Can you believe it? Patty only had to go look at houses three times, twice with Brent and I to narrow some choices down, and once with Katie and the girls. I am not even sure whose child she is. Only three? Did you even shop for houses? 

I'm kidding. I'm glad she found someplace. I'm hopeful that it all works out with inspections and financing and all of that great stuff that happens once the offer is made. She should be up here next week for a quick stop over to do the home inspection tour. Otto will leave and they will come in. Tig and Tux are going to be exhausted by the time the house is empty again!

The elbow is still healing. Slowly, but it's going in the right direction. I have physical therapy once a week and I FINALLY am getting some strengthening exercises to start rebuilding my grip strength. It's crazy how little I can do right now. Still trying to wrap my brain around the possibility that it could take a year to heal from the tear instead of the weeks from a strain that I thought I was facing. But it's moving forward so maybe it will be sooner rather than later. 

And now I've written again and I am planning on getting back into that habit. I just need to figure out what I want to write about. So much doom and gloom and ick going on all the time and I don't really want that to be my focus. Though sometimes it's going to be because there is so much doom and gloom and ick. 

But that worry is for tomorrow. 

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