Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Search...

I've been out twice to look at houses for Katie. Patty has done a really good job of collecting options for her. I'm actually really pleased that there are some decent choices in there for her price range. That's a big part of what I was worried about. The housing market up here is insane and I know how hard it was for us to find things. Not just houses, but any that we would consider. 

It's been interesting. We go look and take notes and take some pictures for her to add to what the real estate listings have. Then I send her the photos and she calls and we go over my notes. There were a couple that my notes were, "no. this is just no." and a couple that "I think this is a no, but here are my notes and you make the call." for the most part my no has been enough for her to pass, there are two that she still wants to take a look at even though I don't think they will work for her.

Which, I think, is actually a good idea. I don't want her to think about the house that got away. The one that she is pretty sure is great but she didn't ever look at. Because sometimes the photos really do look great. Or the location looks great. Or the idea of it looks great. And until you see it for yourself you just don't believe it's not great. I've had Patty show me a few houses in all of our times looking that she was like, "You are not going to like this" and I've been like, "Yeah, but maybe I will." 

Not surprisingly Patty has been right. 

It's almost like she's a professional.

But Mastenbrook women are show me people so Katie needing or wanting to see them isn't surprising.

And honestly seeing some of them that aren't quite right will help her see why the others are pretty good. Sometimes it takes seeing what doesn't work to really understand what does.

Kind of like dating. But with houses you jump to marriage really fast. 

It will be interesting to see if she agrees with my ranked choices or if she hates all of them and wants to start all over again. Which would make her my child for sure. Poor, Patty...

Anyway she and the other girls are coming up this weekend to look at the narrowed down list and possibly a few more, depending on what comes available and what happens while they are looking. But probably just covering the handful of prescreened places. We will see if one of them is the one. I know the one I would choose if I were her. 

Either way we get to see her this weekend so that's nice. Even if we are strictly functioning as a hotel space this time around. Brent and I have plans Friday and Saturday night and they will be tapped after looking at houses on Saturday so won't be joining up. At least the cats will have company. 

Think safe drive thoughts for them as they head up here and then back on Sunday as well as happy house hunting thoughts. 

Fingers crossed it all goes well!

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