Saturday, January 6, 2024


It's been a super mild winter so far. Or it had been. And it's amazing how quickly we got used to that. There is a chance of snow in the forecast for the coming week and I'm like legit mad about it. I have things to do that snow will screw with. I'm cat visiting, I have PT, most importantly I have a hair appointment!

It's just funny because I had gotten out of the habit of even checking weather, it's been so mild. And then this week it was suddenly SNOW! THERE IS SNOW COMING! and the girls were coming up (they made it here safe and sound out looking at houses right now) and also will need to get back tomorrow (fingers crossed it's fine). 

But it's January and it's normal that we get some snow at least and if not then some overnight freezing. Which we did get in November. Just not December. No white Christmas chances this year at all. 

Which is totally fine by me. 

I am not a winter person. I would love to live someplace that was sunny and mild all year round. The problem is that Hawaii is too expensive and the southern states that have that climate are too red. I have no urge to live amongst people who think everything I stand for is some sort of extreme agenda. You know, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, caring for the sick, treating everyone as equals, those outrageous values.

Winter weather is our biggest hurdle with Brent convincing me to move to someplace less expensive. There are a few midwest states that are reasonable cost of living and reasonable politics but they are winter states for sure. And ick. Though if you live someplace that gets regular snow it's not nearly the inconvenience it is here. I mean we dealt with it in Idaho as a constant. Even Colorado Springs wasn't terrible, though they got horrible ice storms which it doesn't matter what tires you have, what preparations you've made, you just stay home and hope the power holds during those. 

But the bottom line is I've gotten soft and spoiled. The idea of snow coming and inconveniencing me makes me cranky. I need to be able to get out and do things. Not just this next week, but for sure this next week. 

And it brings me back to my biggest complaint about living here in THE FUTURE. Why haven't we learned how to control the weather yet? We've fucked around with so many other things, gene splicing plants, teaching computers to make "art" but we haven't figured out how to make the snow stay in the mountains and the rain come to drought areas. We haven't figured out how to keep town streets ice free (though there is a town in Michigan that has, seriously, they heat the downtown streets, it's kind of amazing) and how to keep the ski areas cranking. 

Why haven't we done that?

Oh and teleporting. I'd like someone to start on that as well. 

Or if you just worked on one I would say teleporting. I could teleport to my appointments and then not worry about if it's snowing. That would work.

Get on it, geniuses, I'm counting on you. 

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