Sunday, August 20, 2023

I'm Alive...Oh Oh So Alive...

 So 54 is no more. Welcome to 55!

Last year I settled on #54FucksSake as the hashtag and as I left you a few days ago I was struggling still with what 55 should be. 

The top contenders became #55StillAlive, which seems like the most basic. Yep. I made it. Not super optimistic or inspiring. Just still alive. woo...yay...oh joy... So that didn't really seem right.

So then we moved to #55StillIStrive. Which kind of sums me up. I mean I'm always trying to do something to get that gold star, right? But holy cow, I mean I'm 55, striving sounds like a lot of work. Shouldn't I be in the glide part of life? #55NowOnGlide?

Then a friend posted their birthday in Roman Numerals with a joke and so I thought hmm, #LVThatsMe or #LVLovely. But it still didn't really hit so...

I went back to the thought that I'm done with this. Until I get to 69 and then it will just be #Nice because I have to right? I don't think I can top #54FucksSake. It was perfection in a hashtag. There isn't one that really speaks to me. I think the joke played itself to its conclusion. So that's decided.

No hashtag this year. (sorry, Michele!)

So let's move on to birthday goals. 


Last year's goals were to get it together. Or more accurately For Fuck's Sake Get it Together! The house, the wardrobe, the schedule. Those were my highlighted areas. Well, the house still isn't finished, I'm still struggling with getting a good schedule working and I think I've decided to toss out the wardrobe I was building and start again. Good job! For fuck's sake...

So with all of that I've been thinking about goals a lot. My normal goals that I used to set on my birthday that moved to January but with a little overarching set of goals still talked about on my birthday and looking at that list from last year I decided...

I'm going to let that go as well. I'll finish out the marks I set for myself for 2023, because I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't and then I'm going to just let the goals go again. 

I KNOW the last time I tried this was 2020 and that was not good, but I'm hoping that it wasn't really my lack of goals that brought on a world wide disaster, though if it happens again I SWEAR I will have goals on a rotating basis until the end of time. Promise. 

But instead of goals, for 55 and looking to 2024 as a whole, I am just going to try to apply the things that I do now to reach those goals. Instead of goals just this is the way I live my life sort of thing. That at 55 I've found the things that work for me, I've found the things I enjoy, I've found the things I don't enjoy as much but need to do to keep my body working, my house running well, my life in order and I'm just going to do those things. 

For instance:

I want to write more days than I don't. I want to make sure I'm doing a decent amount of fiction, though I have to say writing one to two short pieces a week has been a lot harder than I realized, so I'll go back to if I'm feeling the muse talk you might get nothing but fiction in a week and if I'm not it will all just be me talking to you about whatever is bopping in my head right then. 

I want to keep consistent with working out. I want to keep moving to make sure I can keep moving. 

I want to make sure my house feels like my home. That means it's clean and organized and my favorite things are out where I can see them. 

I want every piece of clothing in my closet to fit. Not just physically but emotionally. Every piece makes me happy to wear. I know that seems like a heavy lift, but I'm pretty easy to make happy so as long as that plain black t-shirt is soft and fits well it makes me as happy as the polka dot dress with the perfect swish to the skirt. Both are wonderful for different days. That's what I want. No clothes that I have just because they fit, or just because at some point I thought that's a style that I should be wearing.  

I want to make sure that what I'm reading feeds me. Intellectually, creatively, spiritually. However many I read in a year, whatever style, I just want them to be good books. 

I'm 55. I'm a full ass grown woman. I've figured some shit out over the years. And I've realized there are things I never will figure out. I'm not striving or gliding. I'm being more than I'm doing. I've embraced my swings and I'm happy when I'm happy and I'm not when I'm not. 

I will continue to share my opinions freely, not at all shocking to any of you. And I will continue to fight for the protection of those that need it. Because I've got 55 years of fight experience behind me (yeah, I wasn't ever supposed to be born so I count EVERY year as a fighting one) and I will put it to good use. 

So here we go, buckle up, I think it's going to be a good ride at 55. 

And if the mood strikes me, next year we might just get our kicks at 56...

Mercy Sakes Alive, Look Who's 55. 

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