Sunday, August 13, 2023

New Hashtag Time!

Okay, we are at one week left of #54FucksSake time to start thinking of a new theme. 






Hmm..that's why I start early.

Maybe 55 will be the year I don't do a goofy hashtag for my birthday. I mean I've let go of C&C month so maybe now is the time to let go of the hashtags? 

When do you feel a joke has run its course? And when you get that feeling do you try and push through until it's funny again?

Like the whole physical gag, step on a rake once it's funny, twice it's less funny, three times it's not funny at all, but get to 10 or more and it's hilarious. 

So do I push through? 

Or do I take the lack of inspiration as a hint that it's just done. 

Whatever I do I should not have Googled "best hashtags for 55" the top result was all about senior living!

What the actual fuck? I mean...

I know that I will be four years older than Wilford Brimley was when he made Cocoon but he was the anti Paul Rudd so that shouldn't count. 

And I get it, I will be older than Blanche was and as old as Dorothy and Rose during the first season of The Golden Girls but that was a different time and we thought of old as starting earlier. 


I mean, look at your parents at the age you are now, they were a lot older than you are right? RIGHT? Help me out here...

Actually, I'm just kidding. My dad turned 55 when I was still in high school. So we were getting the student discount and the senior discount when we went to the movies. At the time it started at 55, I think now you have to be 60, which only proves my point that people were older when we were younger. Or something like that...

But anyway...

I'm still not really bothered by age. Not in the way a lot of people seem to be. My darling husband, for instance, hates when I say things like we are over a half century old. Whereas I think that's kind of cool. 

I am bothered by the drumbeat of time and the way it affects my body. My mind might not have a problem with aging but my knees are still like, Yeah, this sucks. 

I am bothered by the relentless march of time when I stop for a second and realize that Jack died at 58 from a massive heart attack that had no warning signs. The aneurysm that killed Brent's uncle happened when he was 60. Then time can fuck right off. 

My father's first heart attack was at 55, that doesn't worry me as much. It probably should as my cholesterol keeps climbing. It's high, it's not terrifyingly high but it's high. And it just nudges ever higher every year. But I tell myself that I am fine. I work out. I eat okay. I mean, I should cut back on sugar and that might even help my cholesterol but let's not think about that too much...

But because I have most of memories of my parents from their 40s and onward I've never really put much stock into youth. They also both aged well. Heart attacks, knee replacements and the ravages of cancer notwithstanding. They were younger than a lot of younger people. The N in L/N spent a day with them one year and was like, How are your parents so much younger than my mother and they are 20 years older? Some people get old quicker. My parents took a long time to get there.  

I'm hoping Brent and I hold out even longer. I say all the time that I want us both to live to be 100. It's a nice round number. It's a good sized number. When you hear someone has living to be 100 you think, that's a long life! I want us both to make it to 100. A healthy 100. Mentally clear. As physically able as you can be in a 100 year old body, but 100. It's goal. 

You all know how much I like my goals.  

So maybe:


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